White Pollution英语作文及分析
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White Pollution英语作文及分析

时间:2016-11-12 11:26:14 | 编辑:王晓坤

White Pollution

White pollution refer to platic pollution。 It i a new member of pollution family, but it grow fat。 Unrecyclable platic lunch boxe line along railroad。 Platic hopping bag dance in the wind。 When leader are buy mapping out blueprint for the future, one colour WHITE from white pollution become their headache。

Everything in the life circle deerve it place on earth。 If we continue uing platic lunch boxe, hopping bag and other unrecyclable platic productmwhat would happen Ⅱ One day they might bury u in an ocean of white rubbihg Then the earthmour common home, would be a dutbin。

To prevent thi nightmare from coming true, government need to work cloely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by action。 However, it i not enough only to ak what government can do to get rid of white pollution, we mut ak ourelve what we a individual can do to colour the earth green intead of white。


文中出现了大量比喻性用语,如a new member Of pollution family,mapping out blueprint(描绘蓝图),headache, an ocean of white rubbih(白色垃圾的海洋),dutbin(垃圾箱),common home,nightmare(恶梦),to colour the earth green intead of white等。这些生动贴切的比喻并未使人感到莫明其妙,而是增强了文章的表现力,体现了作者对唤醒大众关注这一难题的紧迫感。[由www.hAozuowEn.com整理]