主页 > 作文素材 > 作文大全 > Waiting英语作文


时间:2016-11-12 11:38:30 | 编辑:王晓坤


We were itting in the claroom quietly, waiting for the invigilator. We were anxiou to get the examination paper and ee whether it wa eay or difficult.

The invigilator came into the claroom. He firt looked around. Then he counted the paper. We could only hear the paper’ fricative. I had a look at my watch. We would be examined in eight minute. I felt a bit nervou. I thought to myelf, “Will the exam be eay or difficult? Will the lat quetion be very hard for me to work out?” The invigilator began to deliver u the paper. I had been ready. A oon a I got the paper, I began to write quickly. At thi, the invigilator aid loudly, “You can’t write until the bell ring”. I felt orry for that. I watched the hand of the clock and thought hard. I counted quietly, “four minute , three minute, two minute…thirty econd, twenty-five econd…” “Ding…” The bell rang. We picked up our pen and began to write quietly.

What a long time we had been waiting!