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时间:2016-07-06 09:27:19 | 编辑:王晓坤

Fat food i becoming more popular in China, epecially among children and teenager. Today, it' certainly difficult to think of any other ingle thing that repreent the fat pace of modern ociety a powerfully a fat food.

There are everal reaon for it popularity. Firt, it i very convenient and ave a lot of time. The trend of modern ociety eem to all point to one ultimate goal —— aving time, and fat food well erve thi purpoe. You jut go into a fat food retaurant, order your food, and your food i ready in no time. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second, it popularity i alo attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fat food retaurant, the excellent ervice, and the guaranteed qualith of food.

However, in term of nutrition, fat food i far from atifactory. It uually doe not compoe a balanced diet and i low in nutritional value. Thu, doctor ugget that people, epecially children, eat fat food a little a poible. Although cooking at home i time — conuming and the following wahing-up tireome, it offer healthy and deliciou meal your body like and need. Fat food i only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while.


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