A Visittothe Fragrant Mount初中英语作文
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A Visittothe Fragrant Mount初中英语作文

时间:2014-05-19 10:06:18 | 编辑:王晓坤

国庆节那天,我和我的朋友们一起去香山游玩。我们一进公园,就被那么多盛开的鲜花惊呆了。我们在石头铺的小路上散步,享受着那迷人的景色。最有趣的事情莫过于爬香山了。我们一边爬初中作文 ,一边欣赏山上灿烂的枫叶。我们爬了一个多小时才到达山顶。我们从山顶往下看,多么漂亮的城市风光啊!高楼大厦,鳞次栉比。汽车在宽阔的马路上行驶。白云朵朵浮在我们头顶。真是快乐的一天呀!

A Viit to the Fragrant Mount

My friend and I went to the Fragrant Mount on National Day. When we entered the park, we were urpried to ee o many flower. They all fully bloomed. We walked along the tone road, enjoying the charming view. The mot intereting thing wa to climb the Fragrant Mount. We climbed the Mount, and at the ame time we could enjoy the plendid maple leave all over the Mount. We climbed to the top after an hour. We looked at the city from the top of the Mount. What a beautiful city it wa! There tood countle tall building. Many car were running along wide treet. White cloud were jut above our head. We really had a good time that day.