主页 > 作文素材 > 作文大全 > 两道SAT作文真题精选


时间:2014-05-23 09:20:14 | 编辑:王晓坤

SAT作文真题是大家备考SAT作文写作最好的素材,可以让大家尽快的熟悉SAT作文的特点和写作方式。下面为大家推荐的两道SAT作文真题是关于peronality和college tudent的。大家可以试试在25分钟的时间内能否完成一篇SAT作文。


Prompt: think carefully about the iue decribed in the excerpt below and about the aignment that follow it.

Odd a it may ound, peronality i a kill. You can chooe and develop apect of it that will draw people to you and make them want to help you learn and improve.

--- Twyla Tharp, The Creative Habit: Learn it and ue it for life

Aignment: what i your opinion of the idea that a peron can chooe and develop peronality trait that will attract other or turn them away? Plan and write an eay that develop your point of view on the iue. Support your opinion with reaoning and example from your reading, your cla-work, your peronal experience, or your obervation.


Prompt: think carefully about the iue decribed in the excerpt below and about the aignment that follow it.

Webter dictionary define perfectionim a an extreme or obeive triving for perfection. Some people believe that perfectionim inhibit a peron ability to work productively and well. Some college and univeritie have been ending their tudent the meage to take thing le eriouly and to enjoy their college year more.WWw.hAOZuowEn.com