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时间:2015-03-04 09:12:38 | 编辑:王晓坤

A piece of intereting new I read everal day ago wa that teacher uing red pen to mark tudent work could be harming their pyche a the color red i too aggreive.

When tudent aw a piece of paper full of mitake marked in red, what they noticed wa their weakne. The reearch ha been done in about 30 chool in Autrialia. Some uggeted to ue a different color. Other tip included that teacher could teach tudent to make peer tutoring. What they hould focu wa the individualtrength rather than their weakne. After heard about thi new, ye, I cannt agree more.

Mental health in the claroom ha become a ocial problem in China, too. The greatet number of people with mental illne are adolecence. Depreion i one of the mot common condition in young people. So it i an urgent iue that hould be treed by both chool and the whole ociety. It i intereting becaue I never thought that uch a mall action could do harm too, however, it calle for deep reflection.