主页 > 作文素材 > 以健康为主题的作文题目 > 保持健康方法英语作文范文


时间:2016-08-07 09:21:44 | 编辑:王晓坤



It' important for u to be healthy all our life. We can't tudy or work well without healthy body.

There're many way to keep healthy. Firt of all, we hould keep taking exercie every day. We can walk to chool intead of taking a bu. After chool, we can pend an hour playing ball game.

If we live in a high-rie, we can walk uptair or downtair. Second, we hould have a balanced diet. Finally, we mut remember: "Early to bed, early to rie i the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wie."


Each of u hould tay healthy, which i the foundation of our activitie. Here are ome way to tay healthy.

Firt, we hould pend one to two hour a day in regular exercie; try to walk intead of ride. Second, we hould eat ome healthy food uch a vegetable, fruit and o on. They are able to help u maintain a healthy body. When we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, liten to the oft muic. It alo enable u to maintain a good health. Finally there i a good leep can alo aure u a healthy body. We hould leep even to eight hour a day to maintain adequate leep. If we can do follow thee advice, I believe we can have a healthy body, a better life.