主页 > 话题作文 > 童年 > 关于童年的英语作文


时间:2018-10-20 11:06:05 | 编辑:王晓坤


The ame time like an arrow, uddenly gone, the lat really memorable good time in the pat year, many people yearn to tell you today, I look to my pat.

When I wa five, I went out to pature for a chool to go home, it all day cattle back, like a hepherd, alway inging \"cowboy riding cattle, inging the town of Lin.\" Every day into night 78 point, came back to wah dinner meal and watch the moon lay on the gra. Have an accident, itting cattle back, jut thunder, I wa hit by lightning a bit, then collaped to the ground, my friend ee my cattle back from the cow fell off and quickly called my mother to the family man-I in three day, earched all the major hopital, doctor ay uele, and hold each deperate to come back, then they want to bury me, Who would have thought I played 5 year with a dog came to my bedroom, with a Tim the tongue a little, I woke up, doctor later aid it wa a miracle.

I know thi i uele to tell you, becaue you would not believe, and if I talk about fantay, you love letter on the letter, do not believe even


In the colorful world, i happy childhood, childhood i mowgli, childhood i... Everyone ha their own childhood, my childhood i naive.

When I wa ix, I went to my grandmother\' houe, that ye I naive. Litening to the adult aid, on a plane can roam in blue ky, live. So, I think all day to fly, and one day, I at a mall bench, ee a few chicken climb come up to the balcony, and want to take them out and went downtair. So I will learn to the grandmother, the way a wave, a hout: \"go to go to!\" Behold, the chicken did not liten to my word, good currying about everywhere.[由wwW.HaoZuoWen.com整理]

Suddenly, a chicken from the balcony jumped down and I wa frightened, and looked down and aw a chicken wing, he flopped about afety \"landing.......\" I look for, urprie of call way \"chicken fly, chicken fly! Fly, fly chicken chicken!\" I like dicovered the new continent, loudly rang way. From then on, I will know what i \"fly chicken\" mean, know the meaning, I will plan a \"fly chicken\" do.

One afternoon, the grandmother went for a walk. I ecretly lipped into the chicken tent, took a fancy to a terrible rooter, think it i right. The only big rooter a expected to catatrophizing, a rampant. I am very not eay to catch the chicken, and go to him a it, chicken early truggle hard, a bellow, then move. The grandmother heard chicken, and immediately called back, aked me the way it i. I a if nothing ha occurredly aid: \"I want to do fly chicken.\" The grandmother heard, firt one leng, and then laughed. But I till make the plane?

In the outh: YaoXiaoYu primary chool grade five







Memory, childhood i like the tar in the ky, countle. However, everyone ha a childhood, and childhood tory wa like the ea the diveriform hell, glittering in the water company, exude be riotou with colour brilliance, count the number of never-ending childhood like pring a riot of colour, o I delude one to folly; childhood like ummer everywhere Cang green, make me energetic; childhood like autumn fruitful, let me harvet happine and mile; childhood like winter Snow gleam white., let me feel the purity of heart.

We all had a pure and beautiful childhood, culpting our beautiful life, the interpretation of our innocent and lively. In childhood we, i how of happine, innocence and goodne, and ignore all the adne and melancholy ide occur, do not et foot on the viciitude of the ocean, healthy and happy growth only in the parent under the wing, jut play in the play. But time i alway o ruhed and hort-lived, once beautiful childhood now vanih like oap bubble, now we can do i to purue the beautiful fragment of childhood, but can\'t again.

When I wa very young, I wa very naive, alo alway want to tudy adult do, often whimical, try to think of ome wrong idea, can not, one day after upper, I went with my mother to a bowl of wine, tart my experiment, I foretate tate wine, find it difficult to drink bitter. So I came to the kitchen, aw my mother cooking eaoning, think: my mother uually cooking, only put thee ingredient, food i very deliciou. If I put them alo put ome in, wine became a good drink it.