主页 > 成长作文 > 第一次 > 第一次包饺子英语作文


时间:2014-06-21 09:47:27 | 编辑:王晓坤

I am good at tudy, I can alway get the high mark in the exam, o I am very confident that I can do all the thing well, but the experience of making dumpling change my idea. It wa on winter holiday, my mother aked me to make dumpling with her, I aid it wa o eay for me. My mother howed me how to make it and then let me follow her, I did a he howed me, but I found my dumpling could not cover well, I tried another one, till the ame. I wa curiou, I did the ame thing with my mother, but I failed in the reult. My mother miled and aid practice made perfect.