主页 > 初中 > 初二 > 八年级英语作文


时间:2017-01-06 11:16:32 | 编辑:王晓坤

Computer game i a hot topic nowaday. Some people hold that it i bad. And other hold that it i good. In my view, whether good or bad i determined by the player.


If one play computer game properly in hi pare time, computer game can be an excellent ource of joy. For example, omething impoible in your real life can be realized in the computer game. You can pilot a pace craft and travel in the univere. Every coin ha two ide. If one play computer game exceivly, it may affect hi eyeight and tudy.


The computer game itelf i only a tool like knife. If we ue it properly, it can pare apple. But if we ue it to attack other,it immediatly become an lethal weapon.
