主页 > 写人作文 > 父母 > 感激父母的英语作文


时间:2019-03-10 10:37:09 | 编辑:王晓坤


I conider my parent a the mot important people in my life. Thi i not becaue theyre.

My parent mighe. I grew up with their contant care and love. While theyre getting older with grey hair and wrinkle, they never loe dignity in both life and job.

From my parent, I have learned that one peron can really make a difference. Ill never forget their care and love. Gratefulne bring a great fullne to life. e we expreed our gratitude to people we cherih!


One day more than a decade ago, our parentatter of coure, becaue I do not undertand the hard work their parent do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thankgiving to appreciate their parent, hould take care, the reponibility of your parent.

Sun i jut pat my 20th birthday that day, atter the ocial tatu of parent, level of knowledge and other qualitie, they are our greatet benefactor thi life i worthy of our love of the people forever.

Student might ay nothing of their own bleing, but for parent, thi ound a better bleing than anything, are unforgettable, are ufficient to enable them to tear!


Lay parent i to tudy well and then being a ueful peron to the ociety when I grow up.WWw.hAOZUowEn.com