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时间:2014-11-02 09:01:44 | 编辑:王晓坤


Article 1: repay parent

The mother line, wandering clothing". Our parent' love for u i hidden in plain life. Trivial and mall, like a breeze, like a mit, and like a drop of water, ha penetrated into the depth of life. How do we pay them back? We all think that everything they do for u i taken for granted. We never read thi love, nor did we cherih thi love.

365 day in a year, my mother worked hard for me. Now, I'm going to do omething for my mother, too. After thinking about it, I decided to wah my mother' feet.

On Friday evening, I brought a bain of water to wah my mother' feet. Mother aid, "did the teacher arrange the compoition again?" Write yourelf! " I aid, "I jut want to wah your feet!" "Oh, go to bed. I'll do it by myelf. " I init on wahing my feet for my mother, but my mother can't ee it, but let me wah it.

I helped my mother take off hi ock and put hi feet in the water. I aw that my mother' feet were not dirty at all, but rough. I gently wahed my mother' feet, and uddenly felt two drop of hot tear on the back of my hand, and my mother cried. I did not peak, becaue I wa very warm in my heart. After I wahed my feet for my mother, I thought a lot. Maybe we did too little for our parent. We hould repay our parent with gratitude.[由www.haoZuowen.Com整理]

A mother' ki, a weet ki, a mother' love, a happy love...

Article 2: repay parent

People often ay "dripping grace, when Yongquan of", while the parent of our pring of grace, how do we return?

When I wa a child, when my mother gave u a lot of hard work, we anwered her all night' crying; when my mother taught u a babble, we gave her a return. When my father put the poon in our hand, we dropped the meal on the table to repay him. When my father came to the chool to pick u up in the wind and rain, we complained that he wa late. To repay him... Thee are the "reward" for our parent when we were young. So today we know whether we hould make a bunch of flower or make a card for parent on father' day and mother' day; help the mother beat the back after the mother doe the houework; after the father' work, help hi father pour a gla of water and ay "you are hard".

Our parent pay too much for u. We can't repay them at all. However, we can give parent a mall return on ome trivial and imple thing, uch a aying "good morning" and "good night" to parent in the morning or at night, and to do ome imple houework when parent do houework: cleaning, wahing and cooking... The mot important thing i that we hould learn well and mater knowledge and grow up to become the pillar of our country and the glory of our parent.

Article 3: repay parent

"Thi i the call of the heart, thi i the dedication of love, thi i the world of pring, happy flower bloom everywhere......" Whenever I liten to thi ong, there i alway a burning fire in my heart. Becaue I think of my parent' care for u and their parent' affection for u; but, if we do not do a little thing for our parent to do a little thing for their parent, i it really the relentlene of being a child?

When we hear the mother' nagging ound in our ear, we know that mother care for u. When we make mitake, parent teach u to get rid of the mood, we know that parent are good?

Today, when I came home, I could not calm down for a long time, becaue I didn't know how to face what I had done to make my parent ad.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I brought a bain of warm water into my father' mother' room, and I aid to my father and mother, "pleae wah your feet!" Dad and hi mother' eye howed an expreion of emotion. Dad quickly aid, "daughter i finally grown up!" I laughed at thi entence.

I can't expre my direpect of my father and mother in word. Mom and dad eem to ee through my mind and ay, "daughter, it' okay. A long a you know your fault, you will be good kid." I nodded happily.

Article 4: repay parent

My life i a blank drawing paper. My parent brought me to the world, o the painting of life began to have color - warm red, pure white, bright yellow, leiurely green, and occaional light.

When you fail, my parent alway inpire me by my ide; when you are ad, my parent will alway comfort me; when you ucceed, my parent will laugh with me. When you make a mitake, my parent will teach me patiently and guide me.

It i cold. My parent often tell me to dre more. When they go far away, parent often tell me to pay attention to their health. Though there are ome nagging, it contain deep love.

We all ay that maternal love i great. Maternal love i great, not only in elflene and elflene, but alo in a gla of water and a dre, which i concerned by our parent.

We often think that when we grow up and make progre, we mut repay our parent well. Can we ever thought of, time i getting, etc. we have ambition, but parent may be gone.

"If you tay", the world' larget teen. Parent don't need good material life. What they need i our concern. From now on, hare it for your parent.

Article 5: repay parent

"The mother line, wandering clothing, leaving thick eam, Italy ha to fear, who gra inch heart, reported in the apartment." The love of parent i great!

My parent raied me and gave me elfle love, o that I can grow happily in thi elfle love. I am not careful wretling, parent will cry, I am ick, parent will be anxiou to take me to the hopital to cure, parent let me do not worry about eating, parent teach me to walk, parent teach me to write... Parent' love i everywhere.

"Dripping grace, Yongquan", o parent great love how hould I return? I have a good exam, my parent will be happy for me, the exam i not good, my parent will be orry for me, o I want to tudy hard, liten carefully, peak actively, try to get a good reult and repay my parent with excellent reult.

Parent return from a little bit of little thing, parent come back from work, they are very tired, I want to pour water for them, my parent are hot, I want to fan fan, parent birthday, I will quietly buy them a birthday gift, give them a urprie, happy birthday to them, happy happy birthday to them thi day...

Mom and Dad, I will work hard to repay you in real action.

Article 6: repay parent

The love that parent give u i infinite and elfle. But our love for parent i very few. So how can we repay our parent' kindne?

Whenever I have a high fever, my father and mother will tay with me all night and night. I don't leep well overnight, give me a fever medicine, give me a weat, and wipe the alcohol to me. Mom and Dad take turn to accompany me, jut like two people turn around to take care of me. It wa not yet bright, o I took me to the hopital. The injection, dad bought Soup for me to eat, mother aide tightly with me, looking at the dropping bottle, for fear of what accident. See how anxiou they are.

On my birthday, mom and dad bought cake for me, ang birthday ong for me, and finally congratulated me, and lit a candle and aked me to make a wih. Eat a deliciou cake, feel I am the happiet peron in the world.

I didn't do homework every time, the mother will puh me: "you mut conciouly, don't ya ya, mother aid, to do your homework." "Well," I reluctantly turn off the TV and do my homework.

I have to tudy hard, do thing on my own, and let my parent worry le about their parent. Grow up and become a ueful peron for ociety, o that we can repay our parent' kindne.

Article 7: repay parent

Oh! Well, my father and mother are thouand of mile away. How much I want to be poiled in front of my mom and dad. But that' impoible.

When I grew up in Xinjiang, I grew up in Xinjiang to come to Zhengzhou to go to chool. It wa a bad way to teach my mom and Dad, o I couldn't repay my mother and dad. I thought it wa the lowet reward for my mother' father or the water wahing water. I can't repay my parent. How do I feel when I ee people' parent holding up their children? I'll ee my mom and dad about half a year.

I think for a long time how to repay them my dear mom and dad. I'm going to write them a letter a oon a poible to make them feel warm and warm. I write thi;

Dear mom and Dad, I'm your daughter and I mi you very much. I don't know how to repay you. So I wrote you a letter to comfort and comfort you, by the way...

I'm returning my parent today. I have a little thing to ay, bye!

Article 8: repay parent

Repay the love of the parent. My parent nurtured me, pat my heart, cooked for me every day, laundry, for me to go to chool, comforted me when I wa ad, and ble me on my birthday.

I want to ue my labor to repay my parent' love. When my parent are ick, I pour water for my parent, wah the dihe, let them reduce the burden. I wih my father and mother on my mother' birthday. In mother' day, I want to ing for my mother, only mother i good, and on father' day, I want to make a deliciou crambled egg for Dad' father' day.

Mom and dad are the mot painful people in the world. Thank you, mom and dad.