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时间:2014-06-03 11:44:38 | 编辑:王晓坤


英语是被广泛使用的国际化语言,如果你要于外国朋友做生意,你得学会英语; 大型国际会议,英语是工作语言;世界上有很多英文版的书,要阅读它们需要英语;要想更好地了解外国人并为世界和平出力,你也要懂英语。正是因为英语如此重要,所以英语是我最喜欢的科目。




Englih I My Favorite Subject

Englih I My Favorite Subject, becaue it’ uch a widely ued language. It i important for everyone to learn Englih well in our rapidly developing world.

Englih ha now become an international language, becaue it i ued by almot every country in the world. If you want to do buine with foreigner, you have to learn Englih, becaue mot of them peak and write Englih. Englih i one of the working language at international conference. Today, many great report, paper and book are written in Englih, o if you want to read them, you mut know Englih well. If you know Englih, you can alo undertand people from other countrie better and contribute more effectively to world peace.

No matter what you do in the future, Englih will alway be important. So we hould pay more attention to learning Englih in order to make our country powerful, competitive and international.WWw.hAOZUowEn.com