The best way to learn English初中优秀作文
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The best way to learn English初中优秀作文

时间:2015-03-12 11:15:17 | 编辑:王晓坤

I aked my Englih teacher thi morning, “How do you learn Chinee when you were a child? Think about it, and you’ll find the anwer.”

I cannot recall how I tudied my native language, but I till remember the way my little couin learned to peak. He litened to what people aid and tried to imitate what he had heard. At two or three year old, he could expre himelf in imple language. Now, he i five year old, he can peak more perfectly. He i uing language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time.

I undertand if I ue Englih all the time, it won’t eem o difficult. I will learn it quickly. It’ the bet way to learn a foreign language.


