主页 > 节日作文 > 中秋节 > 关于中秋节的初中英语作文


时间:2014-07-11 09:32:08 | 编辑:王晓坤



A great man aid: "forget the pat mean betrayal!" Let umove along the time tunnel, to feel thi extraordinary hitory.

Since the founding of the people in every field, China hamade great progre.

In agriculture, the father of hybrid rice in China famou yuanlongping, produced the planting, ha many advantage uch a highyield of rice, grain yield wa obviouly improved, now China notonly, and till can elf-ufficiency in grain output a lot fromabroad. Alo, that the Chinee are called "agricultural country",not fictitiou.

In the military, on November 5, 1960, the firt miile oaredinto the ky, 16 October 1946, pectacular RuYun ing to the ky,in China' riing rob from the atomic bomb ha it own, Founding 50year, we alo daqing to how the world our armed forcemodernization of weapon and equipment. Thee are proved ourmilitary technology weaponry and equipment ha greatlydeveloped.

In cience and technology, henzhou 6 manned pacecraftuccefully developed i a good example.由好作网www.hAOzuowEn.com整理

Student, we are happy new generation, alo have importantreponibility of the new generation. Our today determine therevival of the Chinee nation tomorrow. Let u of carrying forwardthe national pirit, the XiongHun. "Far, BuPaLei, inquiitive a"pirit, knowledge, kill, and h2 phyique, practice pirit ofpatriotim, tree, country and ready: for our great motherland'peace and development.


In China, Mid-autumn Day i conidered to be a ymbol of family reunion. On thi day, all the family member gather together at home to celebrate thi pecial occaion. Lat year, I could not celebrate the fetival with my family becaue I wa in univerity. However, thi pecial day left a deep impreion on me.

I till remember the atmophere of that evening. All the tudent who could not go back home aembled in our claroom, having a party to celebrate thi traditional fetival. We tried our bet to how our own enthuiam.

A an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applaue. After the two-hour party, we went out to the playground and at together to appreciate the moon becaue it i a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cake, played card, and litened to romantic poem recited by one of our clamate. In that harmoniou atmophere, nobody felt lonely or homeick even though we were far away from our home.

Thank to our clamate, I experienced uch a colorful and intereting Mid-autumn Day at my univerity. Thu, I learned to value all the fetival I pent during my univerity life.