主页 > 成长作文 > 合作 > 雅思话题的作文范文:国际间合作


时间:2014-11-24 10:40:25 | 编辑:王晓坤

题目:Some people think the main benefit of international cooperationi in protection of the environment, while other think that the main benefit i in the world buine. Dicu both view and give your opinion.


There i no doubt that international cooperation, from private enterprieto government, ha become increaingly prevalent . It i on account of growingly global economy, and it i beneficial for almot every country in the world.


People firmly believe that the international cooperation i good for environment protection. It i well awarethat every country ha it unique way to protect environment. For example, the Dutch do well in dipoing of wate. They point out that if their advanced technology can be introduced into the developing countrie that are hardly to invent uch good technology, not only ome countrie or group but alo all of the people living on the earth will benefit a lot. Of coure, the countrie that have invented thee technologie will have to uffer from the damage in economy more or le.
