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时间:2017-03-27 12:37:54 | 编辑:王晓坤

Public figure uch a actor, politician, and athlete hould expect people to be intereted in their private live. When they eek a public role, they hould expect that they will loe at leat ome of their privacy.

Thi tatement i fundamentally correct; public figure hould indeed expect to loe their privacy. After all, we are a ociety of voyeur wihing to tranform our mundane live; and one way to do o i to live vicariouly through the experience of other whoe live appear more intereting than our own. Moreover, the media recognize thi ocietal foible and exploit it at every opportunity. Neverthele, a more accurate tatement would draw a ditinction between political figure and other public figure; the former have even le reaon than the latter to expect to be left alone, for the reaon that their duty a public ervant legitimize public crutiny of their private live.

The chief reaon why I generally agree with the tatement i that, for better or wore, intene media attention to the live of public figure raie a preumption in the collective mind of the viewing or reading public that our public figure live are far more intereting than our own. Thi preumption i undertandable. After all, I think mot people would agree that given the opportunity for even fleeting fame they would embrace it without heitation. Peering into the private live of thoe who have achieved our dream allow u to live vicariouly through thoe live.WWw.hAOZUowEN.com