主页 > 写人作文 > 班长 > 竞选班长英语作文翻译100字


时间:2017-05-08 09:35:10 | 编辑:王晓坤

Today, our cla held the monitor election. `And I became the new monitor in my cla. I wa very happy, but I wa till very nervou now. When the election began, I wa o nervou that I can hear my heart beating heavily. I tried my bet to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared peech. I felt my brain wa blank when I wa having my peech. Before the election, I wa confident for thi poition, but I till o nervou when I wa in the platform. Thank for preparing in advance; otherwie, I mut be embarraed. But the reult wa what I want. It’ a happy thing.

今天,我们班竞选班长了。`我成为了新的班长。我很高兴,不过我现在仍然很紧张。竞选开始的时候,我好紧张,我都可以听到我的心怦怦跳了。我努力了很长一 段时间才平静下来。然后我才走向讲台开始我已经准备好的演讲。在演讲的时候,我觉得我的大脑一片空白。在竞选之前,我对这一职位是很有信心,但当我站在讲 台上时还是很紧张。幸好提前准备了;否则,我肯定很难堪。不过结果却是我想要的。这是一件值得开心的事。