
时间:2018-11-02 10:26:52 | 编辑:王晓坤

英语作文开头写法大全: In my opinion, thi point of view doen’t hold water.


1. In general, I don’t agree with

2. In my opinion, thi point of view doen’t hold water.

3. The chief reaon why… i that…

4. There i no true that…

5. It i not true that…

6. It can be eaily denied than…

7. We have no reaon to believe that…

8. What i more eriou i that…

9. But it i pity that…

10. Beide, we hould not neglect that…

11. But the problem i not o imple. Therefore…

12. Other may find thi to be true, but I believer that…

13. Perhap I wa quetion why…

14. There i a certain amount of truth in thi, but we till have a problem with regard to…

15. Though we are in baic agreement with…,but

16. What eem to be the trouble i…

17. Yet difference will be found, that’ why I feel that…

18. It would be reaonable to take the view that …, but it would be foolih to claim that…

19. There i in fact on reaon for u o believe that…

20. What thee people fail to conider i that…

21. It i one thing to init that… , it i quite another to how that …WWw.hAOZuowEn.com

22. Wonderful a A i , however, it ha it own diadvantage too.

23. The advantage of B are much greater than A.

24. A’ advantage ound ridiculou when B’ advantage are taken into conideration.


1. It ha increaed by three time a compared with that of 1998.

2. There i an increae of 20% in total thi year.

3. It ha been increaed by a factor of 4ince 1995.

4. It would be expected to increae 5 time.

5. The table how a three time increae over that of lat year.

6. It wa decreaed twice than that of the year 1996.

7. The total number wa lowered by 10%.

8. It roe from 10-15 percent of the total thi year.

9. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent.

10. The number i 5 time a much a that of 1995.

11. It ha decreaed almot two and half time, compared with…


1. Everybody know that…

2. It can be eaily proved that…

3. It i true that…

4. No one can deny that

5. One thing which i equally important to the above mentioned i…

6. The chief reaon i that…

7. We mut recognize that…

8. There i on doubt that…

9. I am of the opinion that…

10. Thi can be expreed a follow;

11. To take …for an example…

12. We have reaon to believe that

13. Now that we know that…

14. Among the mot convincing reaon given, one hould be mentioned…

15. The change in …largely reult from the fact that

16. There are everal caue for thi ignificant growth in…,firt …,econd …,finally…

17. A number of factor could account for the development in…

18. Perhap the primary reaon i…

19. It i chiefly reponible of…

20. The reaon for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact…

21. Here are everal poible reaon, excerpt that…

22. Somebody believe/argue/hold/init/think that…

23. It i not imple to give the reaon for thi complicated phenomenon…

24. Different people oberve it in different way.


1. A the proverb ay…

2. It goe without aying tan…

3. Generally peaking…

4. It i quite clear than becaue…

5. It i often aid that …

6. Many people often ak uch quetion:“…?”

7. More and more people have come to realize…

8. There i no doubt that…

9. Some people believe that…

10. Thee day we are often told that, but i thi really the cae?

11. One great man aid that…

12. Recently the iue of… ha been brought to public attention.

13. In the pat everal year there ha been…

14. Now it i commonly held that… but I doubt whether…

15. Currently there i a widepread concern that…

16. Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…

17. There i a general dicuion today about the iue of …

18. Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently.


1. from thi point of view…

2. in a word…

3. in concluion…

4. on account of thi we can find that…

5. the reult i dependent on…

6. therefore, thee finding reveal the following information:

7. thu, thi i the reaon why we mut…

8. to um up …

9. a far a…be concerned, I believe that…

10. It i obviou that…

11. There i little doubt that…

12. There i no immediate olution to the problem of …, but …might be helpful

13. None of the olution i quite atifactory. The problem hould be examined in a new way.