主页 > 事件作文 > 开学 > 开学第一天英语作文怎么写


时间:2015-10-15 10:05:23 | 编辑:王晓坤



Today, it i the firt day of chool, I look forward to the mood, walked, he thought: look like a clamate, teacher if there i any change. Walk, ee the chool have people mountain people ea, to the claroom, ah! Move the claroom, the teacher alo changed. Student grow fat in vain.

I really happy today! Later want to have a cla, litening!


The firt day of high chool life, I have ome thought and feeling. The paage of time can alway give people ome pecial thing.

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new tudent and teacher i my greatet gain. In the next three year, we will learn、work and progretogether to make our dream come true. I will have new friend, and hare the joy and adnewith them. The proceof learning i alo a growing proce.

Similarly, I will alo face many difficultie. I might have difficultie in learning and getting along with clamate , bearing ome preure in life. However, I will get h2er and get through every tep of high chool three year.


It' the firt day of chool once again. Stepping into the gate of the chool alway remind me of the reponibility I carry a a tudent. Being a tudent i not jut about attending clae and howing up during examination. I m here to be empowered. To gain knowledge i all about empowerment. And wih that omeday, I could ue that knowledge to make a ignificant contribution to the ociety.[由Www.haozuowen.com整理]