主页 > 事件作文 > 运动 > 运动的起源考研英语作文


时间:2018-03-05 10:27:27 | 编辑:王晓坤

when did port begin? if port i, in eence, play, the claim might be made that port i much older than humankind, for , a we all have oberved, the beat play. dog and cat wretle and play ball game. fihe and bird dance. the ape have imple, pleaurable game. frolicking infant, chool children playing tag, and adult arm wretler are demontrating trong, trangenerational and tranpecie bond with the univere of animal - pat, preent, and future. young animal, particularly, tumble, chae, run wretle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or o it eem) to the point of delighted ehaution. their play, and our, appear to erve no other purpoe than to give pleaure to the player, and apparently, to remove u temporarily from the anguih of life in earnet.

ome philoopher have claimed that our playfulne i the mot noble part of our baic nature. in their generou conception, play harmlely and eperimentally permit u to put our creative force, fantay, and imagination into action. play i releae from the tediou battle againt carcity and decline which are the inceant, and inevitable, tragedie of life. thi i a grand conception that ecite and provoke. the holder of thi view claim that the origin of our highet accomplihment ---- liturgy, literature, and law ---- can be traced to a play impule which, paradoically, we ee mot purely enjoyed by young beat and children. our port, in thi rather happy, nonfatalitic view of human nature, are more plendid creation of the nondatable, tranpecie play impule.[由wWw.HaozuoWen.com整理]

the origin of port!