主页 > 事件作文 > 保护环境 > 环境保护话题英语作文


时间:2016-06-13 10:32:08 | 编辑:王晓坤



In order to upport Beijing to hold the 2008 Olympic Game and protect our environment, an activity wa organized by the Young League and Student' Union of our chool during the week from June 3rd to June 8th. All the tudent in the enior grade took active part in it. Some tudent cleaned the playground, watered the young tree andflower, and removed weed. Some tudent collected wate paper, old book, empty can and old toy. They had them orted and ent them to the recycling center.The activity i really intructive. Now we all have realized how important protecting the environment i.


Over 70% of the Earth’ urface i water; water i obviouly the mot preciou natural reource that exit on our planet. Without water, life on Earth would be non-exitent. Water i the lifeblood of the environment, eential to the urvival of all living thing-plant, animal, and human. Although we recognize thi fact, we diregard it by polluting our river, lake, and tream. Afterward, we are lowly but urely harming our planet to the point where organim are dying at a very alarming rate, and our drinking water ha become greatly affected. In order to fight againt water pollution, we mut undertand the problem and become part of the olution; we alo need to do everything poible to maintain it quality for today and the future.The government alone cannot olve the entire problem; it’ up to u when it come to the problem we face with our water. In your home, correctly dipoe dangerou houehold product. Keep paint, ued oil, cleaning olvent, pool chemical, and other dangerou houehold chemical out of drain, ink, and toilet becaue many of thee product contain harmful ubtance. In your yard, recycle ued motor oil. Avoid pouring wate oil and reit the temptation to dump wate onto the ground.Thee are jut a few of the many way in which we, a human have the ability to combat water pollution. If thee meaure are not taken and water pollution continue, life on Earth will uffer everely.[由wWw.HaozuoWen.com整理]