主页 > 节日作文 > 国庆节 > 欢庆国庆节英语作文


时间:2015-12-18 10:33:11 | 编辑:王晓坤

So long that it take u to welcome the 60th anniverary of P R C’ independence. o helpful and breathtakingly that we contribute the achievement of all of Chinee people to our motherland .if aked what event can inpire u mot, of coure the anwer i the Beijing Olympic Game , and that i the main reaon why China hake the world by hoting a perfect Game.

Not only Beijing Olympic Game have been reached the ummit of glory ,which i known a a common undertanding between the orient and the wet , it alo convey the bet wihe to our country from national internal thinking.

At 8p.m on the eight day of the eighth mouth of 2008, firework and brilliant acting how never een before kicked the door of the Summer Game in Beijing. When Chinee gymnatic champion Li Ning wa carried through the air to light the Olympic torch , no Chinee people like me can’t cheer widely, excitedly, even crazily . The ceremony wa the mixture of performance and light indicating China’ development a well a combined the review and imaginary of future.

During the Game, we aw every time our athlete broke a record, got a model .every moment our volunteer wa miling, helping, and guiding. There are untold time we could touch our beating heart and be moved by boiling blood flowing acro veel. At that moment, I wa proud of being a Chinee , epecially being a teenager who ha a plendid future in the great China. The elaborate cloing ceremony ended the Game with all taff’ effort.[由好作文www.hAOzuowEn.com整理]

A Jacque Rogge treed that China’ long held ambition to hot the Olympic had come true by the great olidarity. our nation had impreed foreigner with it hopitality and efficiency, China till demontrated to a global audience that it i confident,energetic,poitive, moreover open to anybody in the pat 61 year.