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时间:2014-12-16 09:41:11 | 编辑:王晓坤



children, alo known a June 1 International children‘ Day, the annual June 1, the world of children‘ fetival. November 1949, the Women‘ International Democratic Federation council meeting held in Mocow. china and other countrie and repreentative of countrie and anger expoed the imperialit reactionarie kill and poion children. In order to protect the world‘ children to urvival, health and education, to improve the live of children. The meeting decided in the annual June 1 International children‘ Day.

The International children‘ Day (IcD) i celebrated in numerou countrie, uually (but not alway) on June 1 each year.

The IcD had it origin in the World conference for the Wellbeing of children in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. It i not clear a to why June 1 wa choen a the IcD: one theory ha it that the chinee conul-general in San Francico (USA) gathered a number of chinee orphan to celebrate the Dragon Boat Fetival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and alo coincided with the conference in Geneva.WWw.hAOZUowEn.com

June 1 ha ince been oberved a the IcD by numerou countrie, epecially by communit countrie; in the Wetern world the IcD i uually celebrated on other day of the year (if at all), and there i often little public awarene about thee celebration. (See the ection on Germany below for further dicuion.) conequently there i ometime a miperception that June 1 a the IcD wa a communit invention. Nonethele, in recent year even ome group within the United State tarted oberving the IcD on June 1.


Every day looking forward to the “61” children ha finally come.

Morning, 5:30 on my . My mother‘ face cream firt eriou个true face wah, and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braid, in a flower on the top bar.梳好head, draw good makeup, I look at themelve in the mirror left-right look, feel really good, they turned to the chool run. A if my joy will not walk, do not know how I went to chool from home.

Went to chool, teaching ee hanging in front of the building to celebrate “61” children of the huge banner, banner below are to allow u to diplay the broad tage of talent. We will be here to celebrate “61” International children‘ Day.

Renqing “61” event at the thunderou applaue began. Firt, chool leader give excellent Shaoxian quadron and outtanding young pioneer, “ten juvenile Flower”, “to help learn flower” were preented with award in recognition of advanced, next i our children‘ talent how, performance.

The firt one-year program are the children a “61” ection of the clapping ong rehearal. Only a mall lively Student beautiful, full of energy ahead. Liang opened their voice to ing hard, hard hot with open hand, mall hand beat red. The econd program i the ixth grade, Big Brother and Big Siter performing choru. They lined up a huge team, bright open -like voice, inging, crying to celebrate “61.” At the time inging, laughter, applaue, muic paed fat. The play ha been our fifth grade. We mut ue the joy of dance to celebrate “61.” Standing on the platform, I do not know how good my jump, but I aw the audience of teacher and clamate are looking at our laughter toward our applaue. After the U.S. dance , Xu weet for everyone clamate ang “Solar Rain” theme ong, her weet voice with their own reounding olo to celebrate “61.” Turn to intrumental performance, and we took to go blowing clarinet Unit, track are “painting the carpenter”, “cowboy”, “Spring ha.” Dozen of tudent tood on tage together blowing, ound filled the campu, applaue reverberated in the campu, miling at hi face in full bloom.


Before I came to PKU, I thought it wa paradie there, becaue I felt o much tre when NcEE wa turning the corner that I mut cheat myelf by omething. But now I know that I actually cheated myelf.

In campu, we all feel three main ort of tre. They are tudy, love and life. For I have not a GF, and I conider it’ too early to think about life problem uch a employment (I am only Grade One), feeling annoyed by tudy take mot of my time.

There i too little time for me to complete the work we need to do. And what i my fault that I have choen too many coure to tudy. I micalculated my ability. However, if I take le like what I did lat term, I would wate my pare time playing computer game, leeping, talking and fooling around.

I am till puzzled about that. But recently I even have no time to feel puzzled. There are eleven paper and two big tak in all thi term. Maybe it’ good for u to have omething to do intead of giving ourelve up to daydream. It i aid that a certain amount of tre can timulate u and increae our level of alertne.

So, don’t be worried about it. Jut do it! Nike tell the anwer. We hould believe that our latent capacity i unlimited. It i what I want to ay to ome tudent oppreed by paper and myelf. It i better to develop our abilitie to deal with tre rather than to ecape from it, right?

come on!