主页 > 话题作文 > 森林 > 世界森林日高中英语作文


时间:2015-10-26 12:28:59 | 编辑:王晓坤

The area of green wa reducing in the lat decade becaue of the profit that human being chaed. Though the government ha carried ome policie to protect the foret and return part of the green, our environment ha been till damaged badly. For example, the national treaure giant panda i dying out. One of the main factor i the loe of conervation area. In the 1990, people cut tree for making living, which detroyed the foret and giant panda lot their living place, o the number i falling down all the time. Spanih government advocated March 21t a the World Foret Day. They meant to call for the public to protect the foret. In deed, we need uch a day to remind u of the importance of green. If we lot it, then not only animal but alo human will die out.
