主页 > 话题作文 > 金钱 > 找工作赚钱是不是最重要的问题讨论的英语作文


时间:2017-06-01 11:47:02 | 编辑:王晓坤


Money I Not the Mot Important Apect of a Job

When deciding what career to purue, and which pecific job to take, there are many thing for u to conider. They include the work location and environment, chance for advancement, and of coure the alary. Some would ay that money i the mot important apect of a job, but I do not believe thi i true. In my opinion, there are ome other apect which are more important.

Firt of all, we hould engage in work in a field which interet u. Then, we will enjoy our work more and not dread going to our job every day. A large alary i not worth the daily dicomfort of doing omething we do not enjoy. Second, our job hould give u a ene of peronal atifaction. When we feel that what we are doing 1i important and worthwhile, how much money we make i not a important. Finally, our job hould allow u to live a balanced life. It hould not be o time-conuming that we have no time for family, friend and peronal interet. Nor hould it give u o much preure that we cannot relax in our free time.

The three apect above, in my opinion, are more important than money when conidering which job to take. There i no denying that money i important, but it i not the only important thing in life. Certainly, money doe not alway lead to happine. Therefore, it hould not be the only conideration when evaluating a job opportunity.WWw.hAOzuowEn.com


Thee day, omeone may hold the opinion that the mot important apect of a job i the money a peron earn. It ound like true, becaue with a lot of money, one can live a better life materially. Admittedly, no one can deny the important role money play in hi daily life. But, when you take other apect of a job into conideration, uch a the preciou kill and experience one gain from that job, the propect of the job and the ocial tatu, you may doubt: I money the mot importantIn't thi attitude too narrowA far a I am concerned, I don't agree with the tatement, I doubt whether it can bear much analyi.

We live in a big ociety that i compoed of people from all walk of life. Different job have different function in thi ociety. For example, the function of

cleaner i to keep the city clean and tidy; the function of oldier i to maintain the afety and peace of the ociety. Maybe they earn le money than thoe buinemen, but they till work heart and oul on their dutie. I believe it i the contribution they make to ociety that make them work that hard!

Now, let' take a cloe look at the cientit. Some of them pend their whole live inventing new thing, exploring the myteriou thing and innovating new technology. The cientit, uch a Edion, Eintein and Madam Curie, will be hining like the tar in everyone' heart! We can ay, it i the pirit they have, contribution they have made to all human being, great finding and

invention they have left to u that make them giant! Thank to them, the ociety i developing fater and fater. Can we ay what they do i for the ake of money

Furthermore, if everyone in thi ociety worked only for money, what can it turn out to beSevere competition may make people become cold-blooded, force them to ue illegal mean in order to make profit, or even commit ome crime. For their own benefit, no one would like to help other in the ame indutry. And the relationhip among people might become etranged. To conclude, I think money cannot be the mot important apect of a job. Money i not

everything! A a aying goe: Money can buy a houe but cannot buy a family, money can buy blood but cannot buy one' life, money can buy a wife but cannot buy true love." So, don't tre too much on the money one earn. In fact there are other highlight of a job waiting for you to feel, to find.


Nowaday, with the rapid development of cience and technology, e-book, which i hort for electronic book, i more and more popular among teenager. Obviouly, it i more convenient and variou to read by e-book than to read book in the library. However, ome people till go to the library when they need to read book or find ome information.

My couin, who i a tudent in enior three, alway go to the library to do homework or review what he ha learn for preparing her college entrance exam. She ay that he can focu on her tudy in library and alo can earch omething helpful for her tudy. Some of my clamate go to the library in college to read book when they are free. They uually find book which they are intereting in and then enjoy the reading in the whole afternoon. And ome friend alway borrow ome book which they need in their major becaue they can’t undertand the knowledge in their leon.

Why i the library till neceary for peopleIn my opinion, the anwer i obviou. The library can provide a quiet urrounding for people, which make them concentrate on their reading. Moreover, the library ha ome preciou book, journal and video for free, which they can’t earch in the Internet or by the e-book. Therefore, the library can till exit.