主页 > 话题作文 > 金钱 > 所有的钱英语作文


时间:2017-02-26 09:42:52 | 编辑:王晓坤

All for money.

One day, I wa going to travel by train. After I got on the train, I put tea into my mark and wait for an attendant to pull a water.minute later,from the voice peaker : all paenger, may I have your attention pl, we are orry to tell you that no hot water i upplied in our train."I wa urpried about thi. After a while. An attendant came with a car houting:" Sold water.Eight Yuan a bottle." I wa o thirty that I had to buy.but I wa not conformtable. And any cae, the train hould upply the hot water, the attendant hould not make money from the paenger.

