主页 > 动物作文 > 青蛙 > 青蛙对人有益处初中英语作文


时间:2016-02-17 10:15:35 | 编辑:王晓坤

Lat Saturday Wang Ping went to the field to catch frog.Soon he caught a full bag of them. He felt very pleaed becaue he thought he would make a lot of money after he old them.

A few day later, he went to the field again. But he wa urpried thi time. When he went up, a crowd of inect attacked him. While crying, he threw hi net and bag away, and ran away a fat a poible.


Wang Ping wanted to catch frog. He thought he could ell them and got much money. So he went to the field to catch frog.He caught and caught. Soon he caught a full bag of them. When he counted the frog, he wa very happy. He eemed to have a lot of money in hi bag. He could buy omething intereting to play and omething nice to eat. Suddenly he aw crowd of inect attacking him. He ran away a fat a poible, but there were too many to hake off. He cried, Get away! Get away! I dont want to ee you.

What the matter? omeone hook him. He opened hi eye. Hi mother wa tanding by hi bed. It wa a dream. He decided not to catch frog any longer.[由www.hAozuowEn.com整理]