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时间:2015-10-25 11:36:41 | 编辑:王晓坤


学习的痛苦和快乐The Bitter and Happine of Study【1】

Before I went to chool, I felt o excited, becaue I wa o curiou about the campu life. Now I have been in middle chool, after even year tudy, I feel the bitter and happine. The bitter i that there are alway exam, ometime I cant do well. Every time when I get the low mark, I will be afraid of diappointing my parent. The happy thing i that I make many friend here. We play and tudy together. They are jut like the brother and iter to me. Thi i the proce of growing up, which mix pain and happine. I am o lucky to have thee friend in my life, they mean o much to me.


繁重的作业The Heavy Homewor【2】WWw.hAOZUowEN.com

Many year ago, when tudent went home after chool, they had le time to play, becaue the teacher gave them a lot of homework. I remembered at that time, my iter worked o hard to finih the homework, he wrote it quickly when he arrived home. After upper, he continued to finih her homework. I felt he worked too hard, he deerved to have ome time to play, but he didnt. Not long after that time, the government had made ome reform, the tudent dont have to burden o much homework, they can have time to play. Now tudent can enjoy playing game with friend after chool, I think play and tudy hould be contained.


美丽的季节春天Beautifull Seaon --Spring【3】

Spring i the mot beautiful and the mot wonderful eaon .I love everything that the pring bring .

In pring ,the day get warmer and warmer ,it' not cold and not hot .And I can do enough outdoor activitie, like flying kite. And at thi time ,the tree become green and the flower give off fragrance .There are alo many butterflie and bee over the flower .

In thi eaon, it uually rain quietly,and the rain will moiten the tree and the flower .What a beautifull cence!






A tudent ,we hould pay more attention to afety .Beaue afety i very important for u.

Firtly, having healthy food i very important .We hould eat le junk food or unclean food .It' bad for our health.Then, when we cro the road we mut be carefull .Beaue there are more and more car on the road now . Finally ,we houldlearn ome common knowledge of afety to protect ourelve.

In a word, if we do thee thing well, our life will be better!




什么能造就成功?What Make Succe?【5】

People alway talk about being ucceful, they think that ucce i hard to reach, mot of them cant be ucceful all their live. In my opinion, ucce i not hard to reach, there are two factor that make ucce. One i the knowledge. When we go to chool, we tore the knowledge and prepare for the future. Rome i not built in a day, o we mut learn a more a poible. Another i peritence. We will meet all kind of difficulitie, if we give up quickly, then we will not ee the happy ending. Only the one who can never give up will get what he want. In a word, ucce i not hard to reach.


幸福是什么?What I Happine?【6】

People alway confue about the meaning of happine, they dont know how to define it. Some people think that when one ha the ucceful career or doe omething that make contribution to the ociety i the happine. It i common that great act are admired by the public and people are eay to feel the happine. While in my opinion, happine i very eay to achieve. When I tay with my family, we have the nice talk and I feel very happy. When I eat the deliciou food that i cooked by my mother, I feel moved and happy. Happine i around everywhere, we can feel it if we treat it right.
