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时间:2016-08-06 09:16:10 | 编辑:王晓坤

George Soro -- the financial crocodile

George Soro want to be the Bono of the financial world. The peculator whoe aault on terling ejected Britain from the European exchange rate mechanim that September of 10 year ago ha a miion--to ue hi eti-mated £5 bn fortune and hi fame to help tackle what he ee a the failure of globaliation. The idea that a man who made billion betting on the financial market ide with the anti-globaliation movement might trike ome a ironic. Soro i clearly genuinely appalled at the damage wrought on vulnerable economie by the vat um of money which flow acro national border every day.

The US govern the international ytem to protect it own economy. It i not in charge of protecting other economie, he ay. So when America goe into receion, you have anti-receionary policie. When other countrie are in receion, they dont have the ability to engage in anti-receionary policie becaue they cant have a permiive monetary policy, becaue money would flee. In peron, he ha the air of a philoophy profeor rather than a gimlet-eyed financier. In a oft voice which bear the trace of hi native Hungary, he argue that it i time to rewrite the o-called Wahington conenu--the cocktail of liberaliation, privatiation and fical rectitude which the IMF ha been preaching for 15 year. Developing countrie no longer have the freedom to run their own economie, he argue, even when they follow perfectly ound policie. He cite Brazil, which although it ha a floating currency and manageable public debt wa paying ten time over the odd to borrow from capital market.由好作网www.hAOzuowEn.com整理