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时间:2018-11-04 12:36:14 | 编辑:王晓坤



Chritma i one of the mot beautiful holiday of all time. It i the day when God on wa born on earth. Hence, thi day i acred for all Chritian around the world. The Chritma eaon give rie to a number of Chritma tradition that come along. Here are a few of them that are celebrated with zet and enthuiam worldwide for centurie.


On thi day, many go to church, where they take part in pecial religiou ervice. During the Chritma eaon, they alo exchange gift and decorate their home with holly, mitletoe, and Chritma tree.


Preparation of the Chritma cake


Thi wa an Englih tradition which tarted centurie ago. On Chritma eve, plum porridge wa erved to the people. A year paed, variou other thing like dry fruit, honey and pice were ued. Soon thi porridge got replaced with the Chritma cake. Chritma cake are made uing egg, butter, confection, fruit, etc. Today a Chritma cake i an integral part of a Chritma menu.WWw.hAOZUowEN.com


Decorating the Chritma tree


Thi refer to the tradition of decorating a pine tree uing light, tinel, garland, ornament, candy cane, etc. Today, a Chritma tree i an indipenable part of Chritma celebration.


Lighting up the Chritma candle


Thi refer to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outide houe during the Chritma eaon. A candle ignifie hope a it bring light even to the darket room. In the earlier time, when Chritian were perecuted, they were not allowed834 to practice prayer. Hence, a ingle candle ued to be placed outide the houe a a ign that Chritian prayer were being conducted inide.


Sending gift to loved one


Thi tradition come from the tory of the three wie men who got gift for baby Jeu on Chritma. Every Chritma, gift are exchanged among loved one, epecially children. The tory of Santa Clau alo come from thi tradition.


Singing Chritma carol


It refer to the age-old cutom of enchanting a number of traditional Chritma ong during the Chritma eaon. It add to the joy and fun to the atmophere. Different Chritma hymn or carol like The Firt Noel, Jingle Bell, Joy to the world, etc are ung every Chritma a a part of the Chritma celebration.


Ditributing Chritma candie


Thi i one of the mot wonderful tradition of all. Chritma candie are ditributed to neighbor during the Yuletide eaon. On the day of Chritma, all miundertanding and grudge are forgo104atten and the community come together to celebrate the birth of Chrit.
