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时间:2016-10-07 11:11:01 | 编辑:王晓坤



When I'm free or in trouble, I alway take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it o that I'll forget all the trouble. It' in thi way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boy a I wa, I wa interet in picture book and torybook. I wa truck by them. No ooner had I entered the middle chool than I began to read novel, play, and eay and o on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interet in literature and lat term I won the firt prize in the compoition contet among middle-chool tudent in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperor' New Clothe”, I had to let out a burt of laughter over hi fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn't keep me from crying for her miery. “Robinon Cruoe” took me into a trange world full of danger. And I wa alo deeply impreed by Helen Keller' patience and pereverance… Beide thee, book alo tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good book can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book a my bet friend.[由wWw.HaozuoWen.com整理]

I'll never forget thi famou aying,“Good book are bet friend who never turn their back upon u.”


Given by herlock holme and the duke’ on

written in the firt chapter of the book pride and prejudice i an extraordinary entence of which even a peron who ha had only a brief look upon the book will not fail to receive a deep impreion-it i a truth univerally acknowledged that a ingle man in poeion of a good fortune mut be in want of a wife. in term of herlock holme, we’d better alter the entence into “it i a fact univerally accepted by reader throughout the world that an excellent book in poeion of our famou detective herlock holme i undoubtedly a materpiece of all time.” perhap thi i one of the mot obviou explanation for the unrivaled popularity of “holme erie” in the field of detective torie. overwhelmed by the recommendation provided by my friend, i decided to take a look on thi herlock holme and the duke’ on originally publihed by oxford univerity pre.

A a whole, thi book i about a cae concerning the duke’ miing on. arthur, the duke’ on, wa found out in a certain morning to have diappeared, accompanied with which wa alo the diappearance of the german teacher. the chool mater dr. huxtable then turned to the famou detective of the time herlock holme for help. realizing how tough and important the cae i, holme immediately made up hi mind to accept the cae and followed dr. huxtable back to mackleton by train. having formed a rough idea about the whole matter, holme probed into the cae immediately and had a careful invetigation of the entire area hortly after the arrival, during the proce of which he dicovered the body of the german teacher heidegger. finally, primarily due to hi prominent ability a a detective, he managed to unravel the mytery and obtained the twelve thouand pound promied by the duke.

Having once tarted reading thi fiction, i wa completely immered in the myteriou tory preented by the book. a the aying goe, “well begun, half done”. at the beginning of the tory, jut like many other detective torie, the author give u a brief decription of the condition by the word of a client. however, unlike other one, thi tory firt delineate the client’ trange behavior at length to indicate the everity of the incident in order to attract the reader to continue reading it. a i known to all, vivid depiction i eential to detective torie ince it can help the reader undertand each figure’ characteritic and viualize the cene, thu making the tory more authentic and attractive. therefore, trying to preent a “real world” to hi readerhip, ir arthur conan doyle, author of the original “holme erie”, ha killfully arranged the plot of the whole tory from the perpective of dr. waton, a character not o pecialized in dicovering the truth hidden behind the enigmatic happening a holme but o loyal to herlock home a a friend that he alway accompanie holme wherever he goe. in thi way, he elaborately depicted every cene and character in the book, apart from the pecial tart, the ending of the whole tory, being dramatic but reaonable, i certainly an outtanding one. after all, except the author himelf, who know that the duke’ eemingly ordinary ecretary i in fact the duke’ batard? in addition, who know that the duke actually ha already been acquainted with the whole thing before holme olve thi complicated problem? yet, urpriing a it i, thi ending eem o natural that it fit all the plot of the tory perfectly well. while enjoying thi wonderful tory, i could do nothing but admire the wonderful deign of thi materpiece a well a the author’ gorgeou writing kill. cloing my eye, i can even “ee” the tory happening jut like watching a film. not until then did i undertand why the japanee cartoon film detective conan ued thi “conan” a the name of it hero.

A far a i am concerned, nothing i more admirable and urpriing in the hero herlock home than hi profound knowledge which ha certainly aited him a lot when he wa tudying the cae. take the bicycle tyre for intance, holme actually i capable of recognizing 42 different varietie of bicycle tyre. what’ more, according to hi other torie, holme ha tudied different kind of newpaper, cigarette, people’ footprint and other pecial thing a well. therefore, he eem to have the matery of anything relevant to the cae he deal with. except for hi illimitable knowledge, holme alo pecialize in arranging the fact in order and then finding the fact leading him to a great dicovery or even the truth itelf. from hi peaking “every mytery ha an anwer”, we can readily hape the impreion of a man with great intelligence and inflexible will. in thi cae, after getting rid of unrelated fact, herlock home eventually graped the clue and dicovered the amazing fact.

Needle to ay, a a world-renowned materpiece, herlock holme and the duke’ on ha attracted and i till charming numerou reader from all corner of the world and people from all walk of life. the “holme erie” ha already et up a tandard againt which all the following detective fiction are meaured. herlock holme, beyond all doubt, ha become a name firmly rooted in people’ memorie. although dr. waton’ cloing the cae book of herlock holme in 1927 wa a great pity to the reader, the dicontinuance of the entire “holme erie” may have actually added to the legendary tature of herlock holme.