主页 > 小学 > 二年级 > 关于小学二年级的英语作文


时间:2015-10-23 10:01:56 | 编辑:王晓坤


我想当一名记者Being a famou reporter【1】

I want to be a famou reporter when I grow up,becaue reporter i really funny and can travel around world.


I feel like traveling to Hawaii,but it will need a lot of money,and if I become a famou reporter I don't need a lot of money!


I really want to become a reporter,what do you think?


幸运数 Lucky Number【2】

The lucky-number ha become increaingly popular in daily life of modern ociality. For example, the number eight mean big money which people like mot, while the number four mean death.

Some people believe lucky number o deeply that they will afford a telephone with number without four and other which i bad in their mind. They argue that the lucky-number really can bring good luck, and, at leat, no evidence tetifie they can not.

A far a I am concerned, there i no uch relationhip between the number and lucky, for the reaon that number their elf are given certain meaning for the purpoe of application of mathematic. And, in addition, man hould not depend on lucky which, in their mind, the number give them.[由好作文www.hAOzuowEn.com整理]




我的英文老师 My Englih teacher【3】

My favourite teacher i my Englih teacher M Hu . Her Englih name i Sally . She i a beautiful lady. She i very humorou. But ometime he i very trict with u. She can peak Englih , But he can alo peak Japnee very well. So all clamate love and repect her very much. After cla he often help u learn patiently. I like my Englih teacher , becaue I think he i the bet teacher in the world.


好朋友Good friend【4】

I have a good friend. She i a beautiful girl and very kind. She ha long black hair, a red mouth and two big black eye , her voice i better. She i good at inging and drawing.

She i a clever girl. She like reading book , playing computer game and climbing mountain. She i alo nice. She often help u. Our clamate like her very much.



我美丽的学校My beautiful chool【5】

My chool i Tailan primary chool, That' a good place, thi i a beautiful chool.

There are many flower, many claroom, many leave, many office, a large hall, a playground in our chool, in the playground we can run and play. Alo there i a garden in my chool, many flower and tree in it, we often walk in the garden after lunch.

I like my chool very much! Do you like my chool?


