
时间:2018-11-02 12:03:44 | 编辑:王晓坤


Verion 00106

Although it i a freedom to ue tobacco(烟草)while ome people think it hould be made illegal a the ame way a other drug. To what extent do you agree or diagree?

What\' your opinion?

Verion 00107

Some people believe that tudent who want to go to univerity after graduation from high chool hould have about one year\' time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their viion.what are the advantage and diadvantage regarding it and what i your opinion?

Verion 00108

Some people aid the government houldn\'t put money on building theater and port tadium; they hould pend more money on medical care and education. Agree or not agree?

Verion 00109

The computer are widely ued in education and ome people think teacher are not play important role in the claroom . to what extend do you agree?(agree/diagree)

Verion 00110

What i the reaon for loing a variety of language and culture?(分析原因型)


Verion 00111

I it nature or nurture that play a major role in the development of peronality? What\' your opinion?

Verion 00112

公司应该鼓励年纪已到55 岁的高阶人员退休,in order to give opportunitie to new generation,WWw.hAOzuowEn.com


Verion 00113

Some people think that univerity hould not provide theoretical knowledge,but to give practical training benefit to ociety.do you agree or diagree. ue your own experience and knowledge to upport your idea.

Verion 00114

People have different expectation for job. Some people prefer to do the ame job for the ame company,and ome people rather than change the job frequently. Pleae how the advantage and diadvantage of thee two view.

Verion 00115

Some people believe there\' no place for wild animal in 21t century,o to prevent thee wild animal from dieing out them i a wate of reource. To what extend do you agree or diagree with thi opinion?

Verion 00116

Some information in film book and on the Internet ha bad influence on young people and even on ociety. Some people think uch information hould be controlled.Give your opinion on both ide of view ue your own experience and example

Verion 00117

Some people think children hould learn to compete,but other think that

children hould be taught to cooperate. Expreome reaon of both view and give your own opinion.

Verion 00118

i about there a gap of living in citie and countryide. what i the reaon in your country how can reduce the difference

Verion 00119

univeritie hould accept equal number of male and female tudy in every ubject. do you agree or diagree.

Verion 00120

What are the purpoe of place uch a mueum and how hould they be funded?

Verion 00121

ome people think viitor to other countrie hould imitated local cutom and behavior. Some people diagree; they think the hot country hould welcome culture different.


If a five-year old commit a crime (any kind),hould hi/her parent have the reponibility and how punihed? what i the age of a child when parent no longer have the reponibility for children\' behavior?



It i right that univerity graduate hould earn higher alary than lewell-educated member. but they hould pay all the full cot. To what extend u agree or diagree?


Some country allow women to join the armed force ,well ome other think not uch a navy, army doen\'t uit for women,do you agree or diagree?Ue your own experience and reaon.


Nowaday, international tourim i the bigget indutry in the world. Unfortunately,international tourim create tenion rather than undertanding between people from different culture. To what extent do you agree or diagree?


Nowaday,international tourim i the bigget indutry in the world. Unfortunately,international tourim create tenion rather than undertanding between people from different culture. To what extent do you agree or diagree?


The government hould control the amount of violence in film and on televiion in order to decreae the violent crime in ociety.To what extent do you agree or diagree with thi iue?


Computer lehelpful to children\' tudy. and ome people ay computer have a negitive effect on children\' phyical and mental development. diagree or agree?


In the modern world,the chool i become unneary for children to tudy,they can ue internet which have a widely information availble for children. o that children can tudy at home intead.what extent do you agree or diagree?


Differentce between countrie have become leevident,o we can enjoy the ame film,brand and TV program,to what extent do you think the diadvantage of thi outweigh the diadvantage?


Some people think that a large amount of time and money pent on the protection of wild animal and other think hould be better pent on the human population.To what extent do you agree or diagree with thi opinion.


2002 年A 类旧题

Verion 87

(2002.9.20 澳洲2002.9.21 中国)


Graph about foil fuel worldwide,coal,oil and natural ga.


Some people aid hould not encourage port at chool becaue it will caue competition rather that co-operation.

To what extend you agree with it?

Verion 88

2002.7.24 英国阿伯丁2002.8.3 中国