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时间:2018-11-08 10:52:50 | 编辑:王晓坤

A peron\' attitude toward life i very important, it determine your life, which path you are taking and how your life will become. if you are a peron with very trong poitive outlook, no matter what difficltie you encounter, you will alway look at the brighgt ide of life and nevrer give up eaily. The mot frequent example you ee are thoe patient or people that are handicapped or uffering ffrom ome type of illne like cancer. They do not give up any glimpe of hope and continue fighting till they their lat breathe. Even thoe very determined handicapped,they do not blaame the world for their diable. Intead, they are contented and bled with all the ret the have, their family , friend and thoe who upport them greatly. Thoe handicapped with negative attitude toward life wil feel that the world i unfairand they life in miery and alway feel that they are unle and unwanted

We often hear people ay, “Never give up.” Thee can be encouraging word and word of determination. A peron who believe in them will keep trying to reach hi goal no matter how many time he fail. In my opinion, the quality of determination to ucceed i an important one to have. Therefore, I believe that we hould never give up.

One reaon i that if we give up too eaily, we will rarely achieve anything. It i not unuual for u to fail in our firt attempt at omething new, o we hould not feel dicouraged and hould try again. Beide, if we alway give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new kill and grow a people. Another reaon we hould never give up i that we can learn from our mitake only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the leon we have learned i wated. Finally, we hould never give up becaue a we work to reach our goal, we develop confidence, and thi confidence can help u ucceed in other area of our live. If we never challenge ourelve, we will begin to doubt our abilitie.[由wwW.HaoZuoWen.com整理]

In hort, it i important that we do not give up when working for our goal. Whether we ucceed in the end or not, we will learn omething, and what we learn will help u to become better, more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our goal, but if we keep trying, there i alway a chance that we will ucceed one day

Fahion i optimitic attitude toward life. An optimitic attitude toward life and face life i ueful for people\' phyical and mental health and career ucce . Optimim and grief will make the oppoite concluion, feeling, the key i to look at how you think. Make an optimitic outlook on life, people from your own life will be changed.

Fahion i a kind of open-minded attitude toward life.IT i a kind of poitive and healthy attitude toward life in return. who are not fit to be tolerant of other Will not be tolerant of other . Thi i Turgenev\' famou phrae. And I ay, the people who are not tolerant of lIfe, i unworthy of tolerance .

Fahion i a trong attitude to life ,that i a pirit to have a dedication for their own ideal

The 21t century,let u chae fahion

Attitude I Everything

Jerry wa the kind of guy you love to hate. He wa alway in a good mood and alway had omething poitive to ay. When omeone would ak him how he wa doing, he would reply, \"If I were any better, I would be twin!\"

He wa a unique manager becaue he had everal waiter who had followed him around from retaurant to retaurant. The reaon the waiter followed Jerry wa becaue of hi attitude. He wa a natural motivator. If an employee wa having a bad day, Jerry wa there telling the employee how to look on the poitive ide of the ituation.


motivator n. 激起行为(或行动)的人(或事物),促进因素,激发因素

Seeing thi tyle really made me curiou, o one day I went up to Jerry and aked him, \"I don\'t get it! You can\'t be a poitive peron all of the time. How do you do it?\"

Jerry replied, \"Each morning I wake up and ay to myelf, \'Jerry, you have two choice today. You can chooe to be in a good mood or you can chooe to be in a bad mood.\' I chooe to be in a good mood.

Each time omething bad happen, I can chooe to be a victim or I can chooe to learn from it. I chooe to learn from it. Every time omeone come to me complaining, I can chooe to accept their complaining or I can point out the poitive ide of life. I chooe the poitive ide of life.\"

\"Yeah, right, it\' not that eay,\" I proteted.

\"Ye, it i,\" Jerry aid. \"Life i all about choice. When you cut away all the junk, every ituation i a choice. You chooe how you react to ituation. You chooe how people will affect your mood. You chooe to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It\' your choice how you live life.\"


victim n. 受害人 protet v. 断言抗议 junk n. 垃圾

I reflected on what Jerry aid. Soon thereafter, I left the retaurant indutry to tart my own buine. We lot touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life intead of reacting to it.

Several year later, I heard that Jerry did omething you are never uppoed to do in a retaurant buine: he left the back door open one morning and wa held up at gunpoint by three armed robber. While trying to open the afe, hi hand, haking from nervoune, lipped off the combination . The robber panicked and hot him.


thereafter adv. 其后,从那时以后 gunpoint n. 枪口 afe n. 保险柜

lip off 忘记,遗漏 combination n. 开启号码锁的号码组合

Luckily, Jerry wa found relatively quickly and ruhed to the local trauma (创伤,外伤)center. After 18 hour of urgery and week of intenive care, Jerry wa releaed from the hopital with fragment of the bullet till in hi body.

I aw Jerry about ix month after the accident. When I aked him how he wa, he replied, \"If I were any better, I\'d be twin. Wanna ee my car?\" I declined to ee hi wound, but did ak him what had gone through hi mind a the robbery took place.