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时间:2015-03-07 09:09:38 | 编辑:王晓坤



Every day looking forward to the "61" Children ha finally come.

Morning, 5:30 on my . My mother' face cream firt eriou个true face wah, and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braid, in a flower on the top bar.梳好head, draw good makeup, I look at themelve in the mirror left-right look, feel really good, they turned to the chool run. A if my joy will not walk, do not know how I went to chool from home.

Went to chool, teaching ee hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner, banner below are to allow u to diplay the broad tage of talent. We will be here to celebrate "61" International Children' Day.Renqing "61" event at the thunderou applaue began. Firt, chool leader give excellent Shaoxian quadron and outtanding young pioneer, "ten juvenile Flower", "to help learn flower" were preented with award in recognition of advanced, next i our children' talent how, performance. The firt one-year program are the children a "61" ection of the clapping ong rehearal. Only a mall lively Student beautiful, full of energy ahead. Liang opened their voice to ing hard, hard hot with open hand, mall hand beat red. The econd program i the ixth grade, Big Brother and Big Siter performing choru. They lined up a huge team, bright open -like voice, inging, crying to celebrate "61." At the time inging, laughter, applaue, muic paed fat. The play ha been our fifth grade. We mut ue the joy of dance to celebrate "61." Standing on the platform, I do not know how good my jump, but I aw the audience of teacher and clamate are looking at our laughter toward our applaue. After the U.S. dance , Xu weet for everyone clamate ang "Solar Rain" theme ong, her weet voice with their own reounding olo to celebrate "61." Turn to intrumental performance, and we took to go blowing clarinet Unit, track are "painting the Carpenter", "cowboy", "Spring ha." Dozen of tudent tood on tage together blowing, ound filled the campu, applaue reverberated in the campu, miling at hi face in full bloom.由好作网www.hAOzuowEn.com整理

How time flie! Unconciouly program finihed performing, but our heart are till immered in the joy of holiday in a long time hould not calm.

Back home, turn on the TV I watch to celebrate "61" Highlight of the event. Original country, children all over the world with u a excited a joy, a happy, becaue today i the U.S. holiday, are "61" International Children ah!









Flower in full bloom in thi, green gra of early ummer, we have uhered in a grand fetival of Children - June 1 International Children' Day, I am very honored to hare with the children together in thi beautiful holiday. On that occaion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneer holiday to extend my incere regard to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flower of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collective and advanced individual expre warm congratulation!

Pioneer, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenge, you are lucky enough to live in a tate of concern about the urvival of tudent, teacher and tudent in the puruit of maximum growth to meet the need of chool; o one "give tudent the bet childhood, mot give a olid tart in life "a the core concept of chool, portrait of creating" education "brand School; an" education and cientific reearch a the guide to the experimental chool in Englih at the core characteritic Yucai School to erve the community for the meaning of new chool "; o one' own idea and practice, practice, together with the parent," Our children, our chool, our joint effort, "the logan of the chool co-operation of chool, the chool environment of your grace, your killed teacher , School of your high-quality education and teaching ha been very ucceful, you jut give your School School Award i fully endored.

Pioneer, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation i houldering the burden. There i an old tatement: journey of a thouand mile begin with a ingle tep. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of viion, bred here, noble entiment here at initiation, the habit of good form here, life here at the foundation of the glory and properity at the bright future of our call. We mut trive to improve their own quality of life in the new tarting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for contruction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang. At the ame time, teacher alo hope that our hi utmot to achieve a greater honor.

在这鲜花烂漫,绿草如茵的初夏时节,我们迎来了孩子们的盛大节日——,我非常荣幸地与小朋友们一起共 度这美好的节日。值此机会,谨让我向全体小朋友、少先队员们致以诚挚的节日问候,并向辛勤耕耘、呕心沥血培育祖国花朵的园丁们致以崇高的敬意!向今天即将 受到表彰的先进个人和先进集体表示热烈的祝贺!

少先队员、小朋友们,我们正处于一个充满希望的挑战的新时代,你们幸运地生活在一所关注师生生存状态,追求最大 限度满足师生成长需要的学校;一所以"给学生最美好的童年,给人生最坚实的起步"为核心办学理念,倾情打造"附小教育"品牌的学校;一所"以教育科研为先 导的实验学校,以英语特色为核心的,以服务社会为内涵的新型学校";一所以自己的理念和实践,同家长一起践行"咱们的孩子、咱们的学校、咱们共同 努力"这一家校合作口号的学校,你们的学校环境优雅,你们的老师技艺高超,你们学校的教育教学质量高,成绩斐然,刚才给你们学校授牌就是对你们学校的充分 肯定。

少先队员、小朋友们,你们是幸运的一代,也是肩负重担的一代。古人言:千里之行,始于足下。是 的开端,远大的理想在这里孕育,高尚的情操在这里萌生,良好的习惯在这里养成,生命的辉煌在这里奠基,繁荣昌盛的美好前景在召唤着我们。我们要努力提高自 身素质,在新的人生起点上,再接再厉,使自己成为新世纪祖国建设需要的栋粱之材。同时,也希望我们师范附小再接再厉,争取更大的荣誉。