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时间:2014-09-13 09:29:45 | 编辑:王晓坤



Today i the Qing Ming Fetival, and every day I will be very excited, becaue I can go back to my home to weep the grave, ay it i a tomb weeping, actually with my couin couin up the mountain to play.

But when I returned to my hometown, I realized that I had been a rabbit, but I could not go up to the mountain in the year. I lot a chance to play. I don't know how diappointed I am when I know. Ala, the elderly are upertitiou. What can I do?

Staying at home, watching TV i not good, playing football, no one playing with me, playing card, who will fight with me? Well, I have nothing to do. Afterward, my uncle took me to ee the great grandmother in Jinmei, and for a long time did not ee them.

In brocade and the United State for nearly an afternoon, and back to the old home Wet Pavilion, not how to play with couin couin couin, to four more, and tomorrow to read, only to go back. But for a long time today, there' nothing to do with Qingming.

To the road, we have to wait for the car, you know, the Wet Pavilion to the fihing brook i not good, and o on, only a few minute to come one, it i all high junior high chool, it i to return to the chool, the whole car queezed, hey, I will take a econd.[由好作文www.hAOzuowEn.com整理]

Half of the journey paed, half of the people alo got off. But it wa not thought that the car with u wa broken. The tudent inide were "tranplanted" to our car. That wa twenty people, but I could not catch them. On the way, the whole car jammed and even reached my face on hi face, hi face ticking on hi buttock.

At lat, I got over and got off. The end of the day wa finihed. Go home and leep.

But what' the Qingming Fetival!


Today i Qingming Fetival. Fortunately, it didn't rain. Our family went to Zhuxi to weep the grave. Zhuxi i located in the northwet part of Shengzhou, and i adjacent to Zhuji.

Zhuxi i the grandmother' home. We went to grave for our great grandfather and grandmother. Along the way, I aw the traffic, lively than uual, motly to the countryide on the grave. I aw the car to the Pu Bridge, both ide of the road everywhere on the hillide peach red, Lee gray, red and white gnat, the cenery here i fine. Puqiao produce all kind of fruit. It' the fruit town of Shengzhou. It eem that puqiao fruit i a good harvet thi year. When car arrive in Chongren, the field are covered with green oil. The earth i covered with a green carpet. The young wheat eedling are being joined; the golden rape, ilver white radih and purple red gra flower make the field a colorful watercolor painting. The butterfly fluttering among the flower, bee for nectar and butling about. The car to Zhuxi, the village i urrounded by mountain, the air i freh and weet, gurgling tream i clear. Rolling hill, mountain pine and bamboo, a wild profuion of vegetation. Many mountain bamboo hoot emerged, the villager houlder hoe, carrying a bamboo baket, bamboo hoot dug in jubilant. From puqiao to Zhuxi, the village on both ide of the road have built up a high and new houe of three or four layer, no le than the villa in the city, howing a new cene of the new countryide.

Grandpa aid, "in recent year, reform and opening up ha made farmer richer. The more and more new houe are built, the more beautiful they are, and there i no difference between the rural area and the citie."


Qingming Fetival, a one of the twenty-four olar term, i alo a good eaon for outing and dut removal. It name i "everything i growing clean and clean" at thi time.

Qingming rain have, the pedetrian on the road." Thi i a poem about Qingming Fetival written by Du Mu, a poet in the Tang Dynaty. Memorial to relative and friend in thi traditional day year after year.

It' a year' Qingming. I went to grandma' grave with my mom and dad to weep the grave for grandma. I preent flower at Grandma' grave, hoping grandma can know our yearning and hope to get the bleing from the elderly.

There are many people who go to the martyr' cemetery to pay tribute to the dead martyr, to worhip them and to cherih their deep notalgia, o a to encourage their children to learn their pirit.

There are many people with pade with mall tree, to the deignated place to plant tree, hope to add green to their live, and more hope to create a green living environment for the on and grandchildren.

Tomb-weeping Day actually i not a imple grave, the memory of the deceaed o imple, there are cloe to nature and love nature of life meaning. Qingming' fetival pirit i about life and death. That i to ay, life and death are equally important. When a living peron commemorate hi old man, he commemorate and gratefulne. He draw cloe to nature and draw trength from life in the pring of properity.

The cutom of Qingming Fetival are rich and intereting. In addition to the prohibition of fire and tomb weeping, there are a erie of cutom activitie uch a going green, winging, playing polo, and planting green willow.

To learn, to work well, to live well and to cherih life i the greatet comfort for loved one.