主页 > 节日作文 > 清明节 > 写清明节的英语作文


时间:2017-05-23 12:08:16 | 编辑:王晓坤



Qing Ming i popularly aociated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend ha it that Jie aved hi tarving lord life by erving a piece of hi own leg. When the lord ucceeded in becoming the ruler of a mall principality, he invited hi faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined hi invitation, preferring to lead a hermit life with hi mother in the mountain.

Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered hi men to et the foret on fire. To hi conternation, Jie choe to remain where he wa and wa burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fire in every home to be put out on the anniverary of Jie death.

Thu began the "cold food feat", a day when no food could be cooked ince no fire could be lit.

The "cold food" fetival occur on the eve of Qing Ming and i often conidered a part of the Qing Ming fetival. A time pae, the Qing Ming fetival replaced the "cold food" fetival. Whatever practice i oberved,the baic obervation of Qing Ming i to remember one elder by making a pecial effort to viit their grave, ahe or ancetral tablet.

To make the viit even more meaningful, ome time hould be pent to remind the younger member of the family of the live and contribution of their ancetor, and the tory of Jie Zi Zhui who chooe death over capitulation.WWw.hAOZuowEn.com


we hould treat well to our relative n friend who are till alive, n give them more care and love, beide remember our ancetor.



qingming fetival 清明节

“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。”i bet mot of you have learned thi poem. 这首诗里讲的就是我们国家的一个传统节日清明节.

qingming fetival i alo a fetival to enjoy the beautiful pring. 清明节在古代又叫踏青节,

刚刚过完整蛊搞怪的愚人节,我们又迎来了肃穆的清明节。清明既是一个节气,也是一个节日。通常在每年的4月4号或者 5号。它是由古代的寒食节发展而来的。thi i a tory about the hanhi fetival. 它发生在2000多年前春秋时代的晋国。

chong er wa one of the prince but hi father didn't like him. ome bad people told hi father that chong er wa going to rebel. o he had to run away from the country.


in the mountain, they didn't get enough food. chong er almot tarved to death.


year later, chong er became the king of the jin kingdom. he wanted to thank jie and aked him to be hi miniter, but jie refued. 后来介子推在大火中不幸被烧死了。晋王重耳非常伤心,命令百姓在介子推去世那天不许生火做饭,只能吃冷食。这就是“寒食节”的由来。

从那时起人们都在这天祭奠祖先和纪念先烈,寒食节渐渐演变成了清明节。人们在这一天会去扫墓,怀念家里去世的亲人。所以英语里这一天也叫做“tomb-weeping day”。

chinee uually weep tomb and fly kite on thi day. becaue jie died at the foot of a willow, chinee alo cut tick of willow and hang them over their gate.

清明的时候人们也纷纷出来放风筝。we uually fly kite in the daytime, but on that day,in ome place, people fly kite at night. how can they ee their kite at night? they tie ome little light to the kite.



it i aid that in thi way people will alo be protected from bad luck and dieae.. f

清明节是中国的传统节日。however, there are imilar fetival in many other countrie.

墨西哥人每年会过“亡灵节”。the day of the dead i on november 2. 传说死去亲人的亡灵在这一天会回家探亲。candle are lit to help them find the way home. a lot of food and drink are prepared for them at home. 亲戚们会聚在一起怀念逝去的亲人。

朝鲜和韩国也有清明节。the korean don't cook on thi day. they only eat cold food. they alo plant tree on thi day.