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时间:2015-11-08 10:10:06 | 编辑:王晓坤

世界森林日the world foret day

in 1971, the panih naturalit uggeted that we hould et up a day to call on people to protect the foret and make the full ue of it. then the repreentative of the naturalit from all over the world decided that march 21 i the world foret day. in ome countrie, thi day i alo deemed a the tree-planting day. after 4 decade, the world foret day i more than a day to call on people to protect the foret, making people realize the relation between human being and the foret i alo the aim of the foret day.


it’ generally accepted that the foret ha the function of cooling off the global temperature, refrehing the air, preerving oil and water, protecting the nature link and o on. the foret i alo the key to olve the evere environmental problem. in american indian’ cultural, the local people believe that the foret raie up the ky. if the foret diappear, the ky will collape, and the living being would die out. with the rapid development of human ociety, the foret coverage rate i decreae. while the demand of the wood and paper product keep increaing. it can hardly meet the need of human being. everyday, countle tree are cutting down to make variou paper product. in order to make more money, people detroy the foret, and there come different kind of problem. for intance, oil eroion, global warming, glacier melting, and ea level riing. the foret i o important to thi planet. we hould do omething to protect the


firt, top cutting down the foret blindly. if we really have to, plant more tree. econd, the government hould do omething to enhance the people’ awarene of foret protection. lat but not leat, we can reduce the ue of paper, uch a avoid uing dipoable paper good. protect the foret i to protect ourelve. without the foret, we can not live on the earth either.
