主页 > 话题作文 > > 以爱相关的英语作文


时间:2014-06-27 11:36:41 | 编辑:王晓坤


A we know that enior middle chool i not allowed romance, becaue our parent and teacher think that tudy i the mot important thing for u. Almot major of them hold the idea that college romance maymakeabad influence to our tudy. Once we enter the college there are no contraint .We are uppoed to balance our tudy and peronal life.

There are different kind of love on campu. Some tudent regard love a killing time or adding color; ome are pragmatic, thinking it' difficult to find a better partner after graduation; the purpoe of other i for eeking the impetu of tudy.

Anyhow, far away from home and alone, eeking friendhip, undertanding and love, the boy and girl eaily find comfort and appreciation from eachother. A a mater of fact, love i a harp double-bladed knife. Having it will make you very happy; while loing it, you alway feel diappointed and depreed. When the bond of love broken, it’ difficult for omeone to get out of the hadow epecially for girl .

However,we are young,we have enough time to olve thee problem and bear the conequence . The meaning of college romance can’t be ignored.

Firtly,it teache u how to love, how to communicate and how to take care of other.It can’t be denied that EQ i more important than IQ to ome extent. you can learn many qualitie from her, you will change your lifetyle and habit gradully when you tay with him .WWw.hAOZuowEn.com

Then ,it encourage u to tudy harder becaue there i omeone we can tudy together. we can talk about the quetion together and learn ome good thought from each other . I think we can aborb knowledge more quickly and efficiently by thi way .

What’ more, we can leave ome unforgettble memorie for college,you know how the time flie, four -year i o hort that we mut eich our experience , we travel at omewhere with our good friend or lover, there are many intereting thing happened on the way .


college tudent have different concern in love

According to the pie chart, we can ee clearly that CCNU college tudent have different concern in love .About 31% of tudent think that peronality i very pivotal. In contrat, only 27% of CCNU tudent are concern about abilitie. The tudent think that common interet and goal i the mot important concern occupie 17% of the total. Appearance and economic tatu have the imilar percentage,one i 14%,and the other i 11%.

There are everal factor leading to thi phenomenon, firt of all ,college tudent i very knowledgeably,there face love with an attitude of reaon and equality.Of coure ,there are alo ome tudent are very realitic.Lat but not the leat,compared with term of material thing ome tudent would rather pure moral or piritual thing

In my opinion. Although love i wonderful, tudy hould be taken the firt priority. Becaue what we learn now can be beneficial in the future,So we hould relate love to tudy effectively.


According to the pie chart, we can ee clearly that CCNU college tudent have different concern in love .

[教师点评][标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间 不应该有空格,请检查


[搭配统计] 动名搭配 have...concern 在教材中出现过 4906 次

have buine3760,have fear1813,have worry717,have headache653,take SeeAlo:

concern384,accept concern6,have care3


[学习提示] 易混词汇: agree, accord, coincide, conform, correpond 均含“符合,一致”之意。

agree: 侧重指经过比较后的所有主要部分均和谐一致,无冲突和矛盾。

accord: 着重指性格、精神、语气或质量等方面的完全一致。

coincide: 多用于指观点、判断、愿望、利益或兴趣的一致或相符。偶尔用于人,强调意见或观点完全相同。

conform: 强调在形状、性格以及主要特点等方面的相似或一致。

correpond: 指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上互相匹配、一致。


[批改提示] according to在做“根据”讲时,近义表达有in accordance with。


[批改提示] 查看clearly与clear的区别。




About 31% of tudent think that peronality i very pivotal.

[教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: temper, character, nature, peronality, dipoition, complexion 均有“性格,气质,性情,习性”之意。

temper: 指从感情方面体现出来,决定处理问题或应付形势的方式的性格或性情,这种性情可以是暂时的也可以长久的。

character: 指对个性或人格所作出的客观评价,常常与道德有关。

nature: 指天生的、不可改变性格。

peronality: 主要指一个人稳定的心理特征。

dipoition: 书面用词,指人的主要爱好或思想、精神方面的重要习性、气质。也可指短暂的情绪。 complexion: 指由思维方式、态度和情绪所决定的本质特征。


[批改提示] peronality表示“性格,个性”。注意与character的区别。详情点击 好评报错

[批改提示] 此句型用的太过频繁,建议改为b. uppoe/claim+从句.

此句型用的太过频繁,建议改为b. uppoe+从句或b. claim +从句或b. agree +从句或第一人称时替换为A far a I am concerned.


[批改提示] very的近义表达有extremely, exceedingly, remarkably, intenely。 Improperly implemented, dial can be extremely difficult to manipulate.


Between 1890 and 1930 the woman uffrage movement became exceedingly militant. 一八九○年到一九三○年间妇女争取选举权运动变得非常激烈。

The urface of Mar i remarkablydivere.


He wa o informed and intenely forceful.




In contrat, only 27% of CCNU tudent are concern about abilitie.

[教师点评][动词错误] 建议把 are concern about 改成 are concerned about (Auxiliary Verb Agreement)


[低频警示] concern about abilitie 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语


[学习提示] 易混词汇: ability, capacity, capability, geniu, talent, competence, faculty, gift, aptitude 均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。

ability: 普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。

capacity: 侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。

capability: 多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。常与of或for连用。

geniu: 语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。

talent: 着重指人某方面具有可发展和倍养的突出天赋才能,但语意比geniu弱。

competence: 正式用词,侧重指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作等的要求。

faculty: 指特殊的才能或智力。

gift: 着重个人的天赋的才能或在某方面的显著本领,常暗含不能用一般规律作解释的意味。

aptitude: 多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术训练或艺术技巧。



The tudent think that common interet and goal i the mot important concern occupie 17% of the total.

[教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: common, ordinary, commonplace, general, uual, popular, univeral 均含有“普通的,普遍的”之意。

common: 多用于指物,侧重很常见,不稀奇。

ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般。

commonplace: 强调缺少新意。

general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。

uual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。

popular: 指适应大众爱好、需要,为大家所公认或接受。

univeral: 与general同义,但语气较强,侧重对每个人或事物都适用,根本没有例外。


[高分词汇] important的近义表达有 crucial/eential。

crucial: extremely important/critical:

It i crucial that the report hould be on time

eential: (omething) very important/indipenable:

It i eential that you hould take out a proper inurance.

It i eential for the applicant to wear a dark uit.


[批改提示] 此句型用的太过频繁,建议改为b. uppoe/claim+从句.

此句型用的太过频繁,建议改为b. uppoe+从句或b. claim +从句或b. agree +从句或第一人称时替换为A far a I am concerned.



Appearance and economic tatu have the imilar percentage, one i 14%, and the other i 11%.

[教师点评][搭配统计] 动名搭配 have...percentage 在教材中出现过 1217 次

SeeAlo: take percentage186,have percent33,accept percentage29


[学习提示] 易混词汇: appearance, look, face, apect 均含事物或人的“外表,容貌”之意。

appearance: 普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。

look: 普通用词,多用复数,可与appearance换用,但较口语化。

face: 侧重指容貌。

apect: 书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。




There are everal factor leading to thi phenomenon, firt of all , college tudent i very knowledgeably, there face love with an attitude of reaon and equality.

[教师点评][标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间 不应该有空格,请检查


[学习提示] 易混词汇: attitude, air, manner 均含“态度,风度”之意。

attitude: 普通用词,指对人或事情的看法和采取的行为,多有某种不很明确或不便明说的感情色彩。 air: 含义广泛。单数形式指某人脸上表现出的心理活动,或言谈举止;复数形式指某人故意做作而摆出的架子。

manner: 多指某人在某一场合的言谈举止等。


[批改提示] reaon表示“原因,理由”。注意与caue的区别。详情点击


[批改提示] face的近义表达有confront。


He mut face up to the fact that he i no longer young.



We mut confront future with optimim.



[批改提示] very的近义表达有extremely, exceedingly, remarkably, intenely。 Improperly implemented, dial can be extremely difficult to manipulate.


Between 1890 and 1930 the woman uffrage movement became exceedingly militant. 一八九○年到一九三○年间妇女争取选举权运动变得非常激烈。

The urface of Mar i remarkablydivere.


He wa o informed and intenely forceful.




Of coure , there are alo ome tudent are very realitic.

[教师点评][动词错误] 疑似There be句型中的双谓语动词错误。


[标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间 不应该有空格,请检查


[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查!


[学习提示] 易混词汇: certainly, naturally, of coure, urely 均有“肯定地,当然”之意。


Should we fall in love on campu

Nowaday,campu love i found everywhere.No matter what univerity you go to,you will ee couple of weetheart trolling pat holding hand and haring their own ecret happily or having ome trouble and even quarrel ometime.Obviouly,love on campu eem to be a tendency in college life now.So what lead to the phenomenonI it good to fall in love with omebody on campu

There i no doubt that campu love ha ome advantage.Facing a heavier tre than before a a undergraduate at preent,ome tudent need a way to reduce their preure and need omeone to liten to their feeling in deep heart.A romantic relationhip not only can make each other more mature but increae the experience of dealing with emotional problem.

However,there i no garden without weed.Campu love eem o wonderful but actually it alo ha many diadvantage.After all,we are tudent and our main purpoe are tudy well.Falling in love with omeone,will ditract you from your tudie .From another perpective,it i a heavy financial burden for thoe tudent in love.

Peronally,I think we can fall in love with the one we adore.We need an integrated development on campu.A romantic relationhip will eich our college life which make u gain more experience.But the mot important point i that we mut balance the relationhip between love and tudy.In every ene of word,falling in love with your weetheart maybe can give you a huge motive power and inpire you to progre for your future.Why don’t we turn a romantic love into the energy we need

第4篇:关于爱情的 英语作文

The Color of Love

The definition about love alway gradually change when you turn older .It look like a picture that the color i changing.

When you are young ,the color of love i green.It’ the feeling of light.You may be hy when you jut ay a imple word to the girl you love ilently ,Then you’ll be happy for long time after you turn round. At that time probably you are only addicted to the ight of her back or her mile.

When you grow up lightly,the color of love i deep red.You dare to love or hate becaue young i the capital.you are filled of energy.When you fall in love with a pretty girl you feel you’ll give up everything including your life;yet when you hate one you’ll be completely iolated from each all your life.

A you grow older,the color of love i bronze-colored.Love become imple and you’ll pay cloe attention to it in-depth inight.Love i imple and fulfilling life.You prefer the one who’ll go through life together on matter you are health or ill ,on matter you are young or old. The love i only a lifetime commitment about growing old together.

Wih that all lover in the world could be united in wedlock.


Nowaday,campu love ithe college tudent are now allowed to get married in campu, which i declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The reult of thi iue take a broad influence on the college, even on the whole ociety. Some are in favor of it while ome are againt it. Whether college tudent hould be allowed to et up a family ha become a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on. found everywhere.No matter what univerity you go to,you will ee couple of weetheart trolling pat holding hand and haring their own ecret happily or having ome trouble and even quarrel ometime.Obviouly,love on campu eem to be a tendency in college life now.So what lead to the phenomenonI it good to fall in love with omebody on campu

Love in univerity campu, we have It i quite common for.Firt of all, I want to ay about the ituation of College Student' love.

1, love i the age of mall, popular from the tart

2, love the open, and in high chool, now we all love your male (female) friend toreveal to the public, countrie allow college tudent to get married, how can o many chool tube;

3, the low urvival rate of increae of love, tragedy. Due to the lack of economic foundation and a qualitative Univerity future, love marriage low probability. Some tudent can not deal with academic and love relationhip, love firt, increaedwearine, truancy phenomenon, eriou can't even graduate, delayed hi bright future. Alo ome ocial experience hallow, the pychology bearing capacity i weak, and expectation are high, eay impule, once the romance or hit, often caued the tragedy of love. Hurt each other with the Dutch act; have;chizophrenia i earthly, Poguanpohuai; averion to alo have. Therefore, we need a rational undertanding of love in the univerity.

Some believe it i reaonable for college tudent to elect marriage in campu. Becaue, firtly, the college tudent have reached the national legal age, 22 for men and 20 for women, for marriage. Secondly, uppoe two tudent are fall in love with each other. I it neceary for them to truggle to avoid marriage until graduationThe couple are uppoed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmoniou little family on their own. All the matter they are faced with will not only help them tate weet produced by family but alo get to know the hardne to utain a family. Furthermore, college tudent are uually to be found living together. Such behavior ha no difference from thoe done after marriage. We hould rather legalize uch behavior than put aide them to happen ecretly.



There i no doubt that campu love ha ome advantage.Facing a heavier tre than before a a undergraduate at preent,ome tudent need a way to reduce their preure and need omeone to liten to their feeling in deep heart.Falling in love with their own weetheart i a appropriate choice becaue they can expre their truet elve to their lover without reervation.A romantic relationhip not only can make each other more mature but increae the experience of dealing wi

th emotional problem.On the other hand,mot tudent,of coure,upport the view that love i more intereting than tudy. And what’ more,if you find your lover in your college life and marry with your boyfriend or girlfriend then your marriage will be teadier and happier.When you graduate without a lover,you may find it hard to eek out your marriage partner caue there are o many condition needed to conider after graduation.

毫无疑问,校园爱情有一些advantage.Facing较重的压力比以前截至目前一个大学生,有的学生需要一种方法来减少他们的压力,需要有人倾听他们深heart.Falling感受爱自己情人是一个合适的选择,因为他们可以表达自己最真实的自我,以自己的爱人没有reervation.A浪漫关系不仅可以使对方更加成熟,但会增加情感problem.On处理另一方面的经验,大多数学生,当然,支持这样的观点,爱是比学习更有趣。而更重要的是,如果你发现你的爱人在你的大学生活和你的男朋友或女朋友结婚那么你的婚姻会更稳定和happier.When你毕业没有一个情人,你可能会发现很难找出你的婚姻伴侣的原因有这么多的情况需要在毕业后考虑。 The meaning of college romance can’t be ignored.

Firtly,it teache u how to love, how to communicate and how to take care of other.It can’t be denied that EQ i more important than IQ to ome extent. you can learn many qualitie from her, you will change your lifetyle and habit gradully when you tay with him .

Then ,it encourage u to tudy harder becaue there i omeone we can tudy together. we can talk about the quetion together and learn ome good thought from each other . I think we can aborb knowledge more quickly and efficiently by thi way .

What’ more, we can leave ome unforgettble memorie for college,you know how the time flie, four -year i o hort that we mut eich our experience , we travel at omewhere with our good friend or lover, there are many intereting thing happened on the way .

Peronally,I think we can fall in love with the one we adore.We need an integrated development on campu.A romantic relationhip will eich our college life which make u gain more experience.But the mot important point i that we mut balance the relationhip between love and tudy.In every ene of word,falling in love with your weetheart maybe can give you a huge motive power and inpire you to progre for your future.Why don’t we turn a romantic love into the energy we need

However, ome think it more negative then poitive for college tudent to get married on campu. In their opinion, the college tudent, epecially male tudent, are too young and emi-matured to be likely to houlder the burden brought by family and take the relative reponibility. On the other hand, it i howed by tudy that the devoice rate of thoe who get married early i much higher than that of thoe who get married late or at right time. Such high devoice rate i mainly due to the le conideration taken before marriage, even being a totally prompt impule to ome extent. Some tubborn problem appear gradually after marriage, which lead to the mutual dicontent between couple and end up in devoice a a olution.


Campu love eem o wonderful but actually it alo ha many diadvantage.After all,we are tu

dent and our main purpoe are tudy well.Falling in love with omeone,to a great extent,will ditract you from your tudie and influent your propective career.From another perpective,our living expene are almot all from our parent and campu love i a heavy financial burden for thoe tudent in love.Wort of all,once thoe couple of lover face the breakup,they will be confronted with a heavy pychological burdenand problem.They may feel very depreed jut becaue of a mall argument. A we all know,there are o much uicide and murder happening in campu becaue of breakup. What wa uppoed to be a romantic relationhip turned into a tragedy.What a pity!


Anyhow, far away from home and alone, eeking friendhip, undertanding and love, the boy and girl eaily find comfort and appreciation from eachother. A a mater of fact, love i a harp doublebladed knife. Having it will make you very happy; while loing it, you alway feel diappointed and depreed. When the bond of love broken, it’ difficult for omeone to get out of the hadow epecially for girl . 总之,远离家乡,独自,寻求友谊,理解和爱,男孩女孩容易从海誓山盟找到安慰和赞赏。事实上母校,爱是一种双尖刃刀。有了它会让你很开心;而失去它,你总是感到失望和沮丧。当爱的纽带断裂,这是很难有人走出阴影尤其是对女生。

And another reaon i that love relationhip may caue the rik of having babie before they get married. And what if that happenTo get induced abortionI’d ay that’ a god-damn bad thing! I think mot of u won’t upport that, rightInduced abortion will be very harmful to thegirl,alo to the girl’ familie, we hould never let thing like that happen, and you know what will caue thee thing, o I don’t need to explain more about thi.


I think love relationhip on college campu are quite harmful. I have many reaon about upporting thi opinion, and I want to lit the main one here. The firt one i tationary, and if we pay more attention to the love relationhip, we will have le attention to our education, our leon. But what are our main goal in the univerityI don’t think it’ to find a partner, but it’ to get knowledge, make ourelve more and more powerful. That’ what we hould do, in’t it



College Student' love and marriagei a double-edged word, ha both advantage, and

diadvantage. We hould let it beneficial effect become larger, advere effectto a minimum.



In the beginning, love i alway weet.A time i lipping away, boredom, be ued to, abandonment, loneline, depair and cold mile will come gradually.Once being eager to tay with omeone forever, later, we would felicitate ourelve on leaving him/her. During thoe tranient day, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it i not love but a lie by which we comfort ourelve.


It i turned out that thoe who you thought you could not loe, actually, it i not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tear, there will be another one pleaing you. You had plunged yourelf into a depreion, finally, you found thoe who do not love you are not worthy of your adne. Recalling thoe unhappy thing, i it a comedyWhen your wrong love top it tep, a brand-new world will be hown to you. All adne will become hitory.

你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去。你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑。你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心。今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史。For love, imagination i often more beautiful than reality. The ame with meeting, alo with eparation. We thought we would have a deep love toward omebody. Incoming day will let you know in fact it jut i very hallow, very hallow. The mot deep and heaviet love mut grow up with day.


With love, two tranger can uddenly be familiar with each other that they leep on the ame bed. However, thi two imilar people,

While breaking up, ay,"I think you are more and more trange to me" It i love that ha two tranger become acquaintance, then turning the two acquaintance into tranger again.Love i uch kind of game which make two tranger become lover, then return them into the original ituation.


I believe, love can change you, which i the advantage of youth a well a it orrow. What ha men changed perhap come from God' love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women. The prodigal are the mot unuitable peron for getting married, meanwhile, the mot uitable one for marriage a well. It i not women who change the prodigal, he jut appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed.相信爱情可以令一个人改变,是年轻的好处,也是年轻的悲哀。浪子永远是浪子。令男人改变的,也许是上帝的爱或者佛祖的慈悲,但绝对不会是女人。最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。往往不是女人改变一个浪子,而是女人在浪子想改变的时候刚好出现。


The ucce of a marriage i due to many factor, of which love i obviouly the mot important one. Other factor, which are not entirely uelated to love, include hared value and interet, mutual undertanding, commitment, effective communication, imilar educational background, equal economic tatu, phyical fitne, etc.

With the ame value and moral tandard, friend may develop into lifelong partner. After marriage, there need to be a commitment to one another, and to the well-being and development of the family. Similar educational background and intelligence level are alo conidered important by ome people. They believe that only with mutual appreciation and undertanding can the couple get along eaily and happily.


In the beginning, love i alway weet.A time i lipping away, boredom, be ued to, abandonment, loneline, depair and cold mile will come gradually.Once being eager to tay with omeone forever, later, we would felicitate ourelve on leaving him/her. During thoe tranient day, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it i not love but a lie by which we comfort ourelve.


It i turned out that thoe who you thought you could not loe, actually, it i not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tear, there will be another one pleaing you. You had plunged yourelf into a depreion, finally, you found thoe who do not love you are not worthy of your adne. Recalling thoe unhappy thing, i it a comedyWhen your wrong love top it tep, a brand-new world will be hown to you. All adne will become hitory.

你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去。你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑。你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心。今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史。For love, imagination i often more beautiful than reality. The ame with meeting, alo with eparation. We thought we would have a deep love toward omebody. Incoming day will let you know in fact it jut i very hallow, very hallow. The mot deep and heaviet love mut grow up with day.


With love, two tranger can uddenly be familiar with each other that they leep on the ame bed. However, thi two imilar people,

While breaking up, ay,"I think you are more and more trange to me" It i love that ha two tranger become acquaintance, then turning the two acquaintance into tranger again.Love i uch kind of game which make two tranger become lover, then return them into the original ituation.


I believe, love can change you, which i the advantage of youth a well a it orrow. What ha men changed perhap come from God' love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women. The prodigal are the mot unuitable peron for getting married, meanwhile, the mot uitable one for marriage a well. It i not women who change the prodigal, he jut appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed.相信爱情可以令一个人改变,是年轻的好处,也是年轻的悲哀。浪子永远是浪子。令男人改变的,也许是上帝的爱或者佛祖的慈悲,但绝对不会是女人。最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。往往不是女人改变一个浪子,而是女人在浪子想改变的时候刚好出现。

篇九:英语口语作文关于爱情与婚姻Love and Marriage

1. Do you think marriage baed on love are more ucceful than arranged marriage

(1)Ye, I think marriage baed on love are more ucceful than arranged marriage. We can’t be happy if we get married without love. Although arranged marriage will get the upport of our parent, but marry omeone we don’t undertand i really terrible. Furthermore, arranged marriage have a higher divorce rate. In a word, marriage baed on love are more ucceful.

(2)No, I think arranged marriage are more ucceful than marriage baed on love. Our parent hope u to be matched for marriage(门当户对), it contain their love for u. What’ moreThey have a lot of experience on inight into other, o they can’t be wrong.

2. Where do you want to go to prepare for your marriageAnd why

(1)I’d rather tay at home than going out for my marriage. Becaue it will ave a lot of money for our future life. I wouldn’t like the life with no money to ue after the marriage.

(2)I will chooe to pend my honeymoon on travelling abroad. It i the mot important day of my life. The beautiful cenery will become the mot unforgettable experience of my memory.

3.what do you think of Qianzhonghu' word: marriage i the grave of love?

I don’t think o .Marriage bring reponibility to the couple, but it i not the neceary reaon to detroy love. Many old couple’ love can prove all of thi, the couple may have diagreement, quarrel after their marriage. But if they only put judgement on the thing intead of complainting of other, the bad thing will go away oon. Moreover , the relationhip will become more intimate between the couple. The children are the achievement of love. With the child , the marriage become more beautiful.

4.Do you accept flah marriagewhy or why not Ye ,becaue we can take the chance to have the peron who you like very much at the firt ight to be our partner in time .Moreover, a we all know in modern time ,time i a very important factor ,flah marriage ave much time compared to the common marriage .Meanwhile ,in correct time run into the right peron i the mot important ,and the peed of marriage i le influential in one’ happine. Finally, whether the love of Marathon type can definitely undertand the other party, can definitely promie marriage of lat long happineAppearantly the anwer i not.

No, Firtly, a in flah marriage we don’t learn much about the other

part , o in ome degree the marriage will not lat long, and the happine very hort ,but the harm it doe to u can be very great . Alo, ome peron who are for the flah marriage may have the purpoe of getting the partner’ property or ome other benefit, o that kind of happine i not true. when the other peron find out that ,the emotion between the two peron will be likely to break. Thu, the flah marriage may raie the rate of divorce, and make the ociety le harmoniou. Lat but not the leat ,I am a traditional peron and flah marriage diobey the tradition of china.

5.What are the important qualitie in chooing your marriage partner

A. Well, In my opinion, Be effort i the firt important. That i, putting a lot of time and energy into the marriage in order for the marriage to become what we want it to be. Effort will lead the marriage to a bright future. Then, upportive, I will be much more repectful of my wife if he upport me without reerve. Otherwie, if I have difficultie I'll feel a though he' adding to my trouble. Third, be optimim i weighty too, when the family i facing omething tough, Optimitic will help u to make it through.

6.What do you think i the reaon which reulted the increaing divorce rate in modern ociety

A. I think one of the mot important reaon i the financial ituation. A economic developing, the peronal incoming increae, the financial dependence become weaker and weaker, that lead the divorce rate increae. In the pat or ome poverty-tricken area, where people live with low living tandard, to live together will ave more money than live alone, the divorce rate could be low. So, a economic ituation improve, the divorce rate increae .


Do tudent have the right to fall in love in college”


Thi i a controverial iue in our time. Jut a a coin ha two ide, no ide i better than the other; it i often difficult to ditinguih what i right from what i wrongLove i a feeling deep within our heart.


Roaming around the campu, you often hear people proclaim: “Why didn’t Cupid aimed hi arrow at me” “Where i my handome prince” Thi i probably why ong about love are o popular among the youth.


Lat year, I remember when one of my roommate met her Romeo. Firt, he ate very little for day and jut at oppoite from the mirror inging: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who i the fairet of them all” We thought that he mut be crazy and got the urge to hip her to the hopital. Later, they became lover and we aw a twinkle in her eye. She aid: “Our match i made in heaven, there i a chemical bond between u.” In the day following, a mile alway hung from her face. In’t love powerful



Another one of my roommate wa not a fortunate. She had a boyfriend but now all that i hitory. The boy wa a couch potato. They ued to fight over very trivial thing. She finally got fed up with the boy and eparated quite unpleaantly. We better not go through thi kind of love.


I am the only one who i till ingle in my dormitory. My friend aked me why I haven’t found my Mr. Right. They aid when I got older, there would be no one waiting for me. To be honet, I’m not afraid at all. The ratio of man veru woman i 133 to 100. Thu, I think it i the boy who would have to act quickly or they will be ingle for the ret of their live. In addition, I’m alo the younget in my cla. I have more time left and I would like to enjoy my life freely without the hindrance from another peron.


Our elder exaggerate about love in college. They ay love i a wate of time and money. It will often caue people to forget their tudie and eventually may even detroy their live. I think we are all grown-up and we have the ability to manage our own affair.


So, go with your heart and never regret!