主页 > 话题作文 > 逆境 > 逆境的意义考研英语优秀作文


时间:2014-11-27 11:48:12 | 编辑:王晓坤


The cartoon aim at informing u of the ignificance of adverity. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of adverity. Adverity i conducive to people’ growth and maturity. By facing adverity with confidence and a brave heart, people are more likely to recognize themelve profoundly, bring their potential into full play and accumulate more experience. To further illutrate the ignificance of adverity, I would like to take an empirical evidence a a cae in point: urvey conducted by ome biographer have demontrated that almot all of the great men and celebritie have built their manion of ucce on the bedrock of adverity.

From my perpective, at no time hould we underetimate the power of adverity. Furthermore, when coming acro adverity, we hould not regard it a a obtacle to ucce; intead, we might a well enviion it a a preciou chance to improve ourelve, fight againt it courageouly and acquire widom from it. Adverity breed ucce. An ancient Greek philoopher alo once aid.