主页 > 话题作文 > 逆境 > 英语六级逆境作文


时间:2017-02-24 12:15:17 | 编辑:王晓坤

Everyone meet etback and fiutratian In life, and each trie hard to avoid them, only to find tbat theyre jut like your own hadow accompanying you all your live. The truth i,adverity can exert great influence on you, depending on how you deal with it.

When confronted with adverity, different people make different repone. Some people conider it a tumbling block on the road to ucce, and get depreed and even ink into depair; other conider it tlbe tairway to great accomplihment and try to overcome it with contant truggle. The latter, therefore, will recognize their diadvantage from their temporary defeat, draw leon from it, and grow tronger each time they have coped witb a difficulty.

In my opinion, adverity often lead to properity. Painful and depreing a it i, overcoming adverity endow u with great confidence that i crucial to achieve ucce. Great people are not born ucceful, they are great only becaue they have tempered their peronality and remedied their deficiencie through experiencing countle adverity and defeat, which i actually a godde of bleing in diguie.