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时间:2021-07-30 13:24:04 | 编辑:赵宁


  Dragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival, is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.[citation needed] it has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well, most notably korea.

  The exact origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring states period. he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating qu's body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.

  In the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as "poets' day", due to qu yuan's status as china's first poet of personal renown.

  Today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of qu's dramatic death.[由www.haoZuowen.Com整理]


  "Dumplings incense, incense kitchen. Ai grass incense, incense fertility. Peach sticks inserted in the door, looking out of wheat yellow. Duanyang here, there duanyang, everywhere duanyang."

  This is the song grandma taught me during the Dragon Boat Festival. Remember father always told me about his childhood, in his story, the Dragon Boat Festival for he is a curious and expectant festival: in early summer the night of the festival, which opened a rice dumplings, house full of fragrance, you gather in together, kids pestering adults tell the story of the familiar can't get enough but: more than two thousand years ago, the ancient Chinese wars, in the day of the fifth lunar month, is a patriotic poet still see their country is faced with crisis of subjugation, and his heart ambition is not possible, grief at his arms for the stones into the miluo river waves roll, he was qu yuan; Fishermen rowing the boat, and search for their love of qu yuan, in order to let the fish in the water they don't eat qu yuan's body, the glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, faint scent, throw into the river... Every time the story is told, the grown-ups will point to the sky and say, "look, the brightest star in the sky is the one that qu yuan has turned into." And the children would look up at the deep sky and look for the brightest star.

  After another year, do you have any expectations for the Dragon Boat Festival? Eating zongzi, can you eat the story in zongzi? Can you see the shining star in the sky?

  From the ground up, large fields of wheat have disappeared, and on the edge of the city, it is hard to see the sight of "go out and see the yellow." Is it, the transformation of space and time, whether the Dragon Boat Festival is also in the squeeze of the concrete and steel the farther and farther away? The noisy cities, which carry too much of the appetite of the people, the joys of our fathers, have drowned in the flashing neon lights of the city?

  We have already can't understand when fathers are looking forward to, as long as I want to, can eat to all kinds of dumplings, and the taste of zongzi also seems to be the more to also boring, and we are interested in is smiling McDonald's uncle, the personality of the KFC grandpa; We also have a lack of interest in that old story, as long as I think I can always watch Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck on the Internet! I also think that some of the songs that my grandmother taught me were a bit old-fashioned, as long as I thought, I can always record rock songs in my MP3 player!

  But don't we feel the lack of something? We seem to lack some happiness, lack of yearning, and a lack of responsibility. In the noise, we are getting lost!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is here! Our family specially bought a box of zongzi to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. I tasted the delicious dumplings with relish, and said, "it's delicious. I hope it's Dragon Boat Festival every day." As soon as I heard it, I heard my mother screaming in the whole building, and my father and I hurried over.

  She pointed to the door of a room and said in horror, "what's going on?" My father and I looked at each other in the door, and we were frightened. Oh my god! The room was full of small boxes of rice dumplings! I quickly pinched myself, "ouch, it hurts me... it doesn't look like a dream..."

  "You go! Mom and dad looked at each other, and they pushed me into the sea of rice.

  "Coward! As I complained, I looked at the dumplings box. See box impressively write letters "thor" brand rice dumplings ", then the following is a modelling "god", followed by the words "accidentally LeiOu LeiOu LeiOu ray..." I am stunned, this is the legend of "thor"!

  In order to solve this unexpected guest, "thor zongzi", my parents and I visited our relatives and sent zongzi. The people in the house were embarrassed to ask for it. There is a lot of zongzi left, and the pile is as high as the mountain.

  In order to get a normal routine, retake the room which is occupied by zongzi. I was forced to be a peddler. Finish your homework every day and sell zongzi. But the Dragon Boat Festival is over. I buried in a pile of rice dumplings, past people whispering in front of the rice dumplings, "the child is really poor, which good intention, send her dumplings a few boxes to the junkyard..." I sweat like a rain.

  For the sake of learning step mom over my "vendor lives", she told me a face of heavy consequences - that is, three meals a day every day must add 2 big rice dumplings!

  This decision caused me to start rolling in my stomach with the word "zongzi" or "the word". But that big pile of dumplings is still missing...

  The next Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and we are still struggling with zongzi. This is the "zongzi war" in our legend. The dumplings seem to be eating and eating.

  As one of our family was in despair, one of them sang "the occasional thunderer." (?) After listening to the lyrics, how do you know? Oh, my god! Thor! This image has penetrated my heart. I saw him roar at once: "I don't want the dumplings in the room!!" In a flash, those "thor dumplings" disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief, and finally I didn't have to suffer any more.

  The next Dragon Boat Festival eve. My father came home with a big box of zongzi, and I watched the scene, standing silently for a long time, then falling on the ground like a piece of paper. Before I fainted, I slowly said, "I don't want to eat..." Thor: "dumplings..."

  Then he fainted in the ground.

  Dad looked at me and said slowly, "this is the zongzi this year."