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时间:2016-12-06 12:12:52 | 编辑:王晓坤

The day before yeterday,our cla had a dicuion about whether we hould be ent to chool or not.Everyone had their opinion about it.

Some of the tudent thought we hould be ent to chool.Becaue we tudy too hard,we need to have a ret.And it take too much time to go to chool on foot.Being ent to chool i much afer than going to chool by yourelf.Other tudent thought take a bike and walk to chool are the bet way.They thought it i very green,and we hould protect our environment.It' good for our health too,it can make u h2.

A for me,the econd opinion i better.If we are ent to chool jut becaue it can ave time,it will be too much car on the road and the environment will be wore.It' our duty to protect the earth,o I,m agree with the tudent who had the econd opinion.