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时间:2015-11-15 12:30:34 | 编辑:王晓坤


Nowaday, there i a growing concern over the iue of ……

People in growing number are directing their attention to ……

When it come to ……, people’ notion may vary from one to another.

Recently, a heated dicuion ha prung up a to ……


A i vividly hown in the picture,……

It i clearly depicted in the picture that……

Thi picture depict a thought-provoking cene of ……

The chart above provide a erie of eential figure, illutrating the change taking place in a time pan of …year.

3) 观点对比段

Oppoite voice are now riing in the debate. Some people firmly believe that……. On the contrary, quite a few people argue that……

The controverial iue ha aroued oppoite opinion. One focue on …….. ;the other opinion revolve around……


Every coin ha two ide, and thi iue i no exception. Above all, …In addition…More importantly… However, the negative influence it render hould not be neglected. ..not only …but alo

I thi phenomenon a bleing or a cure.? The following lit of advantage and diadvantage can explain everything.


The following illutration can erve a h2 evidence of the phenomenon.[由wwW.HaoZuoWen.com整理]


Why hould thi phenomenon take place? There are generally three factor accounting for it.

Having taken everything into conideration, we may attribute the harp change to three apect.


The purpoe of the picture i to how u that due attention ha to be paid to….

Having crutinized the detail of the picture, we can dicu the implication ubtly conveyed from it.


Taking into account all the analye above, we may confidently come to the concluion that……


There i no denying that ……will continue increaing/decreaing in the better/wore direction.

Undoubtedly, the tendency reflected from the chart will undergo a continuou increae/decreae in the near future.


Therefore, it i imperative that we hould take ome dratic meaure.

A far a I am concerned, two effective meaure mut be immediately taken to pull through the crii.