主页 > 节日作文 > 劳动节 > 五一劳动节英语作文200字


时间:2016-10-29 09:02:35 | 编辑:王晓坤



During May 1, our family went to Qianjiang, Chongqing, where the cenery wa beautiful and beautiful.

We went to the cenic pot there. In the morning, the cloud are long and unny, and I am enchanted on the mountaintop of Wuling. The freh air and beautiful cenery make me intoxicated.

We went to the South China Sea. Xiaonhai i a national geological park, a national earthquake ite protection area, and a national popular cience and education bae for earthquake preparedne and diater reduction. It wa formed by the 1856 earthquake blocking the tream. It eimic ite are unique in the whole country and rare in the world.

Hu Zhou, Xiufeng, i lited in the lake. The lake i green and beautiful. It i aid that the diver can ee the village left behind by the earthquake at the bottom of the lake. We watched the trace of the earthquake following the earthquake: earthquake dam, big rock, mall rock, uddenly the wind, thunder, darkne, a if the earthquake more than 100 year ago to come again. It raining cat and dog in a hort time. So we didn't enjoy the beautiful cenery of xiaonhai. What a pity![由www.haoZuowen.Com整理]

We alo took a boat trip, cro the river, green mountain and river, where the un i hining brightly. When the hip wa ailing to a beach, we went to the hallow water of the beach, grabbed the crab, took a picture in the water, drifted on the beach, picked up the pebble, and I picked up a trange tone. I took it back home with my love.

Thi "May Day" i really full and really happy!


Today i the May Day Labor Day, and the city i boiling everywhere.

The treet, everywhere People are hurrying to and fro., heavy traffic. There are hawker in the treet. There are advertiement, leaflet, etc. It can be aid to be a butle. There are o many people hopping in upermarket that almot every corner i full of people. In front of the cah regiter, the queuing people are like a bunch of twit and turn, which make the checkout crowded.

The gate of the park, parking line of parked car, jut like a car "". It' a tream of people walking into the park. Some people take photo beide the cenery, ome play che on the table of the mall wood, other exercie in the fitne field. Look at the mall quare near the bridge. People dance in the quare freely. Zhongyang quare, adult and children were flying kite happily. The kite with the wind fly in the blue ky. The kite i hining brightly in the un, and i flying higher and higher in the ky. The ky kite brightly coloured dre i very beautiful.

A night fell, the whole city became an ocean of light. The road i a tring of bright light, a the flah off the river torrent. On May 1, people are immered in a happy atmophere.


The annual May Day i coming. In the early morning, the Eat and Wet road and the South North Road at the entrance of the park became lively. Here full of elling auage, grilled quid, elling toy, elling clothe, there are many!

Today, I'm going to help aunt to ee her car and earn money with my mother. Head, I learned to hout with aunt, "come and get the car here, convenient for acce." People here ometime bring a lot of thing. I will help them watch them until they play back and take them away. They alo boat that I am a little tar! I didn't expect to ee that car can make money and help other.

How are you today, the car oon put three large, neat, like oldier. Cloe to noon time I have to ing kongchengji, I can't help to have an attractive aroma of roated quid to go. No one ele could pick up the car. Fortunately, my grandfather accepted the mall ticket for me, otherwie it would be troubleome. My mother aw me and looked at me in a evere way. I looked at the car again and again. Though the un wa hot and picy, I kept holding on. I looked back and aw my mother. She thumb up on me. I am very happy.

Today' Labor Day i very meaningful. I learned to work hard and help other.