主页 > 风景作文 > 黄河 > 介绍黄河的英语作文


时间:2017-02-18 10:01:40 | 编辑:王晓坤

黄河 The Yellow River


The Yellow River

Following the Yangtze River, the Yellow River i the econd-longet river in China at the etimated length of 5,464 km. Originating in Qinghai, it flow through nine province, and emptie into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River i called “the cradle of Chinee civilization”. It bain wa the mot properou region in early Chinee hitory, and wa the birth place of ancient Chinee civilization. The further exploitation and utilization of the Yellow River will make new contribution to the realization of Four Modernization of China.

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